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Aurora POV

"he offered to pay for you to go back to school?" Layla gasped in shock as she was getting ready for work.

"i know it's crazy, i mean what do i do? so i accept the offer. i mean i will have three babies soon. how will i be able to study." i raised my concerns.

"Rory everything will work it's self out. you have to take this opportunity, you would be a fool to turn it down." Layla made a point.

" i know it's just all so crazy to think about." which it really was.

"Why don't you just go talk to Cyrus? he said you could stop by the office any time" Layla reminded me what he told me last night before he went home.

"your right. i should just call him and make sure he's not busy. i don't want to bug him" i pulled out my phone.

i dialled his number, but it went right to voice mail. he must be in a meeting.

"voice mail" i said as i hit the end button.

"well why don't you just go anyways. you can wait for him there?" Layla suggested.

"your right." i got up and made my way to my room to change out of my Pj.

i sighed as i looked threw my clothes. i am going to need to go shopping soon. which i wasn't looking forward to.

i ended up to put on a pair of track pants. because they are elastic waist.

it took me about twenty minutes to get to his office

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it took me about twenty minutes to get to his office. and when i got there i walked over to the reception desk.

"hi um is Cyrus Miller free?" i asked her.

"what's your name?"she asked me.

"Aurora Jones" i tell her.

"alright i need to see ID" she say.

so i pulled out my wallet and handed her my drivers license. she took it and type some stuff on her computer. then handed it back to me.

"go over the the elevators and hit forty five. and then the reception on that floor will help you from there." she explained.

"thank you." i smiled at her the. did what she said.

when i got to the forty fith floor o walked over to the receptionist.

"hi my name is Aurora Jones i am here to see Mr Miller" i tell her.

"right well please have a seat over there Mr. Miller will be out with momentarily, he's just in a meeting right now." she informed me.

i nodded and made my way over, i can't believe i am actually here. it was such a dumb idea. why did i listen to Layla. i could have just talked to him when he wasn't at work. i stood up from my chair and was about to head towards to elevator. when his office door opened. he was with a older man.

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