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Cruz POV

" mom will you stop please, you have fixed my name tag five times already" i sighed.

"i am sorry okay, i just want you all to look professional on your first day of work." Mom looked emotional.

"mom it's just Mac Donlods it's nothing special." Canyon reminded her.

"yes that may be true, but a job is a job. and it will teach you responsibility, and to work hard. now let me take a picture of all of you." she was obsessed.

we all sighed and dad chuckled, he knew that he couldn't do anything to change her mind.

"mom where going to be late" CJ complained.

"okay okay, i am done." she finally said.

"alright we should go before where late" i said.

"alright let's go" mom grabbed her purse.

"bye have a good first day" dad called out to us.

"i just can't wait till we can drive ourselves" Canyon sighed from beside me in the backseat.

"you and me both" i agreed.

"so what time am i picking you up?" mom questioned.

"nine thirty" CJ tells her.

"alright i will be here waiting for you then" she informed us.

"and please can you not come by for diner, that's really embarrassing." i was cringing.

"i would never" mom smirked.

"mom no" all three of us groaned in unison.

"you know no matter how many times you guys do that, it still creeps me out." mom shakes her head.

we just chuckled, it's just something we have done since we could talk. it's almost second nature to us at this point.

"alright have a great first day okay" mom says as she pulled into a parking space.

"thanks mom" i smiled and got out.

Canyon right behind me, but CJ was still in the car. i knew that his anxiety was at an all time high right now. i knew that mom was talking to him to try and relax him. i could see him nod his head at something mom said, then she leaned over kissed his forehead, and he was out the door.

"you okay?" i questioned him.

"i think so" his voice was slightly shaky.

"well if you need us where here with you" Canyon was right.

"i know" he nods.

so we start to make our way inside, we knew where to go cause Tyson showed us around the other day. and we met some of the other staff.

"hey" Tyson called out as we walked threw the employee only door.

"hey man thanks again for getting us this job" Canyon thanked him.

"it's no sweat at all, now CJ your in the back with me. and Cruz and Canyon you will be up front with Devon." Tyson instructed us.

so we all nod and go to our assigned position.

"Hey guys glad to see you didn't chicken out" Devon joked, he was one of the staff we met the other day.

"nah we need the job for our cars" Canyon says.

"i can feel you on that one" he nods. then he continued, "alright so you two will be on cash, i will help you if you need it. but for the most part i will be bagging orders as of right now."

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