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Aurora POV

"Cruz come on little man, this is the third different nipple for the bottle i have tried this week" i groaned in frustration.

"it's okay baby, CJ and Canyon take the bottles. so you just keep feeding Cruz when he needs it. besides it's only been a week and a bit. hopefully he will warm up to it soon" Cyrus placed his hands on my shoulder.

"i want him to take a bottle, what if i am not here when he needs to be fed?" i was stressing.

"well then if he gets hungry enough he will take the bottle" Cyrus shrugged.

i sighed and nodded my head. i just needed to relax a bit. i took some deep breaths. and started rocking Cruz since i had to move him to my breast.

"i am sorry for stressing." i said.

"don't be sorry, it's just going to take us a bit to get into the grove of things by our self." he assured.

"i still feel bad about kicking them out" i confused.

"i don't, mom would have never left if we didn't. besides she knows that we need to do this on our own. she's not mad i can assure you that." he tried to make me feel better.

we had to force his mom out of the house yesterday. we know that she ment well, and was excited. but we wanted to figure it out on our own. we needed to do this or we would never be able to do it by our self.

" you know that you have to go back to work soon. you can't keep slacking off" i changed the subject.

"i know i do, i am just not ready yet. besides i am doing a lot of work from home. plus this is giving Jonas (my dads CFO) and Henry(Cyrus CFO from his company before they combined) a change to really step it up." he explained like it was the most easy solution.

"okay but you can't work from home forever" i tell him.

"i know that, which is why we seriously need to consider hiring a part time nanny. even if she comes in just during the day. so that it can give you a bit of help. because three babies all on your own all day. it's going to be a lot." Cyrus was serious.

i knew he was right. it would be a lot on me. "we can hire a full time one. but only during the day. once you get home she's gone. i know that this sounds selfish. but i don't want another woman around our babies all day." i affirmed.

"you know that no matter what these babies will love you. i mean Cruz only wants to eat from your boob. so that must say something." Cyrus proclaimed.

"i know it's just i want to be all that these baby's ever what. i didn't have that growing up the loving super hero mother. so i want that for the boys. i feel this insane need to give it too them. because with out it feel awful. i never want them to feel how i felt." i admit for the first time.

Cyrus had a look of sympathy in his eyes. "and i promise you that even with some extra help during the day, it won't change the bond you have with the boys." he says.

"fine we can put an add out. and will start looking next week" i caved.

"alright" he had a pleased look on his face.

"i need some fresh air we should take the babies on a walk. i need to stretch my legs" i voiced.

"alright let's get them changed." he walked over to the cribs where CJ and Canyon sat.

"i will pack the dipper bags first." i placed Cruz down in his crib while i packed them. once they where packed i brought them down stairs so that it would be easier to carry the babies down.

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