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Aurora POV

"shh Cruz your okay" i cooed as i rocked my six month old baby.

the boys have gotten so big over the last couple months. it's so crazy.

"he hasn't stop crying?" Cyrus came into the room carrying a crying CJ and canyon.

"ya i have no idea what's wrong. i have tried feeding all of them. i have changed there dippers. nothing is working" i was getting way to stressed.

and i am so tried, i mean it's two thirty in the morning. and we have been up since midnight with all three babies crying there eyes out.

"maybe we should call mom? she might know what to do?"Cyrus suggested.

"no it's the middle of the night. we can't wake her up." i was trying to stay calm.

"well i have no idea, do we get ready and take them to the hospital? i mean i have no idea babe" he looked stressed too.

and he has every reason to, he's having some trouble with this one major client. so he's been having to work later hours.

"i don't know" i was trying not i cry.

"i am calling mom" he placed CJ and Canyon down on our bed. we brought them to our room after a half an hour. to see if they would try and sleep laying between us.

i sighed i didn't want to go to the hospital unless we had to. so i decided to not argue, it was killing me having all three babies cry and not being able to do anything about it.

"mom sorry to wake you up. but i need your help" Cyrus was practically begging her.

i couldn't hear what she was saying. but i was trying to read Cyrus facial expression.

"well besides the crying Canyon and CJ have been rubbing there face and and grabbing there ears. Cruz a little bit but not as much. they refuse to eat anything." he explained to his mom.

"so what do we do for that?" he asked.

"okay i am sorry i woke you." he hung up the phone.

"so what's the verdict?" i asked.

"there teething" he says.

"okay so what do we do?" i asked.

"well mom said that we should give them toys to chew on. put cold clots in the fridge to help keep it cool. she also said that since we where planing on starting to slowly introduce soft foods. that we should try feeding them chilled apple sauce and yogurt. we can also message there gums to help with the swelling" he listed off what his mom says.

i decided to start with the messaging there gums. so i took my pointer finger and placed it in Canyon mouth, and started to rub his gums.

he stopped crying and i sighed in relief. so Cyrus did that for CJ, while i used my other hand and did it for Cruz.

"you know this is kinda gross" i laughed.

"it really is but i am so tried. i just want them to stop crying" Cyrus says.

"you have been working long hours." i brought up.

"i know, this guy is killing us. he's not coming to an agreement. so we are trying everything we can. but it's so hard i have no idea what to do." he blew out a breath.

"well hopefully you can come up with something." i tried to stay positive.

"just so you know i am keeping them in here tonight i don't even care i am so tried i might drop them if i try and cary then back" he started to take his finger out of CJ mouth.

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