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Aurora POV

this sucks, bed rest of all things bed rest. i hated this, i have never been one to sit around. i like being busy. but this was the most boring thing ever.

i huffed which caused Cyrus to turn his head and look at me as he was getting dressed.

"what's the matter?" he questioned.

"what's the matter? i will tell you what's the matter. i am stuck in this bed all day. and it's so damn boring. i want theses babies out of me right now." i was frustrated.

"well i am sorry that i can't do anything to change this. but if bed rest is what it takes for all four of you guys to be safe and sound. then i don't care." He noted.

"i know your right. it's just i hate sitting around all day." i slumped.

"why don't you read a book?" he suggested as he turns to head back into the closet to grab his tie.

" maybe" i tell him, even though i knew it wasn't true.

"well i am sure mom will keep you company. she's moving in today while i am at work" he stepped out of the closet.

" you know trying to talk that woman out of anything is crazy. but i actually don't mind your parents moving in for a while." i came clean.

"mhm will see" Cyrus says.

"well have a good day at work. i will be here sitting in bed all day." i sighed depressingly.

" i love you." he kissed me then walked out.

"call me later" i yelled out to him.

"of course i will. maybe even face time so i can make sure your off your feet till mom gets there." he yelled back.

i didn't reply, cause he ticks me off some time. but i love him anyways. what the heck was i going to do all day. i have no idea, but one thing i knew for sure was that i needed food.

so i slowly got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. Cyrus had a stool already in the kitchen by the stove. since i couldn't stand. i had to sit while i was cooking. which wasn't too hard.

but i was super lazy, so i settled for a bowl of cereal. then moved to the coach. it was better then a chair. even though he bought a chair that was padded. because he wanted to make sure i was comfortable.

"oh well this is a surprise. i thought you would have been upstairs" Cyrus mom voiced.

" i was but i came down for food." i held my bowl up for her to see.

" well that's not all your going to eat is it?" she looked shocked.

" for now ya, i didn't feel like cooking my self something." i tell her.

"well once i un pack. i will come down and make you something to eat. how dose that sound?" she smiled.

"thank you, but i will be fine for now." i assured her.

"alright, you just let me know if you need anything." she says and walked up the stairs carrying her suit case.

" you know you little monsters are going to have so much attention on you. and will be spoiled rotten." i spoke as i rubbed my bump.  which caused them to start kicking.

every time i talk to them they kick me. same for Cyrus they love the sound of his voice. but i can totally understand why. because i love the sound of his voice too.

"honey i am home." i heard Cyrus call out from the front door.

"oh hey in the living room" i tell him.

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