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" you know that it's nothing to be embarrassed about, everyone has anxiety. it's just a matter of how we deal with it" Kayla comforted me as we where sitting on her front steps.

you see we where all just hanging out, and i don't know what came over me i just got a wave of anxiety and couldn't control it. and it happened in front of so many people that it just made it so much worse. i just wanted to be normal.

"it's not okay, Sam and Hunter didn't know. now when they see me they will treat me different. once people find out they treat me different. i don't want people to treat me different" i ranted and ran my hands through my hair.

Kayla sighed and grabbed my hands out of my hair. "look at me" she demanded.

i sighed and slowly turned to look at her.

"i understand that this is hard for you, i won't doubt that. but Hunter and Kayla aren't like that, sure it might take a little bit of time. but they will get over it. because it's not going to go away, and this is nothing that you should be ashamed of. because having anxiety dosnt define you as a person. it's just a part of what makes you you. and if they or any one else cant deal with it. then they will have to go through me, and your whole family. because we all love you, and care about you." all of what she said was true, it was just hard to believe it.

"why me? what did i do to deserve this. my parents thought if it would happen to anyone of us it would be Cruz. but no it had to happen to me." i slumped my shoulders.

"well life happens and guess what it happened to you. but you can't let it control you. because you have so much in life that you will accomplish. and know that you will be amazing at what you do. and for as long as you want i will be with you buy your side helping you face it" she placed her hand on top of mine.

i sighed she was right sometimes it just get so worked up.

"i know your right, it's just so hard. because i really don't want to see there looks of pitty at lunch tomorrow." i leaned my head on her shoulder.

"well i will be there to knock them into place if they do" she smiled.

which brought a smile to my face. "i am sure you will."

"i will trust me they say anything that upsets you i am going to pounce" she grinned.

"i love you, you know that right" i really truly did.

"i know you do. and i love you so it makes it even" she smiled.

i couldn't help it, i leaned in and kissed her. it was nothing serious since we where in front of her house, and i wouldn't want to do that in front of her parents. i have some decency.

"you want to stay for diner?" she asked after she pulled away.

"i can't mom is expecting me home" i tell her.

"okay text me when you get home okay" she was always considering others.

"promise" i said have her another quick kiss and stood up.

it's funny looking back three years ago, i was so afraid that she just wanted to be friends. but after my sixteenth birthday it just changed. she asked me out, and i was so shocked i bearly got out a yes. but now it's been the best two years of my life, beside my mom she is one of the only other person who can talk me out of a anxiety attack.

she's been so patient and kind with me. i remember thinking that she would break up with me once she found out i had anxiety. but it was the opposite, she actually took the time to ask question and get to know the whole thing better. she even asked if she could come to a therapy session with me so she could ask her what kinds of things help me. and just wanted to know more about it.

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