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Cyrus POV

"alright boys let's move, this is not a false alarm" mom says.

"what" i was panicing i should have been there for her.

"it's okay honey, james is driving her." mom tells me.

"let's go" i rushed out.

i don't think i have driven so fast in my life. it's a wonder i didn't get pulled over. i parked and then pulled out my phone to call her.

"are you here yet?" i blurted our right when she picked up.

"just pulling up oh i see you" i saw her car. james was driving. he pulled up beside me. and i rushed over to her. i opened the door, then helped her out.

"oh shit" she grasped my hand in hers really tight might i add.

"you okay?" i questioned.

"just peachy" she groaned.

"alright let's go" i helped her inside. she was walking slowly me trying to match her pace. i didn't want to drag her.

"alright dear let's get you right into a room" a nurse came with wheel chair the minute we walked in the door.

"thanks mom" i thanked her as i knew she had gone ahead and gotten the nurse.

"so the big day, twins? the nurse asked as she was wheeling us to the room.

"no actual triplets" Aurora corrected her.

"oh you two will have your handful. are in for a surprise today?" she asked.

" nope all boys" i said this time.

"oh my, i have twin boys. and they are a handful. but i love them dearly." she had a look of joy in her eyes talking about them.

" oh how old are they" Aurora gushed.

"they just turned six" the nurse smiled.

"alright dear we are going to get you all gowned up. so if you could just wait outside. and we will bring you back in when she's done" she looked at my parents james and i.

we nodded and went outside.

"how you feeling?" dad asked me.

"scared shirtless" i admitted.

"to be expected, so was i" dad says.

"every new parent is" James added.

"how are you feeling?" mom asked james.

i knew he was a little worried, because of what happen with his wife. but he was trying to mask it as best as he could.

"i am trying to stay positive. but i hate this damn place" he shivers.

"alright you guys are all clear." the nurse called us back in.

"so you are going to be in for a long day. she's only three out of ten centimetres. but i could be wrong. she could progress quickly. now Dr Smith has been notified and should be here shortly. so until just try and stay relaxed. and if you need anything just press the red button and a nurse will be with you as quick as can be." she smiled and walked away.

" how you feeling?"mom asked her.

"this shit sucks" she groaned.

"oh i know, but once you hold those babies it will all be worth it." mom smiled.

"i think so too, but i am a little bit stressed out." she sighed.

"why are you stressed out dear? you have nothing to be stressed about." mom questioned.

"we still had a bunch of stuff left to do. i havent made the beds yet. we dont have the swings set up, we dont have the car seats bases in the car,i dont have the baby bag here." she says.

"well you wont be home for at least two days, so if it will make you feel better i can set up the swings. and you can make the beds when you get home. cause they wont need to go to there beds right  away. and i will go and pick up the bags in a few hours. so there is nothing to stress about dear. you just need to relax." mom assured her.

"hello, how are we feeling?" Dr Smith entered the room.

"good as can be" she tells him.

"i want to ask what you want, because depending on the babies moments we can try a natural birth. but i would highly recommend that you get a c section. " he says.

"i will go with the C section" she concluded.

"alright i will let my team know so we can prepare. now since its c section only the father will be aloud in the room" he informed us.

James and my parents nodded there head in understanding.


"alright we are going to start to wheel you down to the room since you are almost dilated enough" a nurse comes i to the room.

"i will give you scrubs to put over your clothes" the nurse tells me.

i looked at Aurora. " you ready" i asked.

"i am scared" she admits.

"where in this together" i smiled at her.

" i love you" she says.

"And i love you." i leaned down a placed a kiss on her lips.

"alright you can put theses on over your clothes. and then we will wheel you in." the nurse handed me the scrubs.

" alright we are going to place a curtain on the lower half of your body. so if you don't mind staying at the top part" Dr Smith says.

i nodded and grabbed Auroras hand in mine.

Aurora POV

"alrighty here comes baby number one. a healthy baby boy" a cried filled the room. i gasped as i heard that sound. it was like music to my ears.

then a nurse came and placed him down on my chest. i cried as i looked at him.

"he's so perfect" i strocked his cheek.

"he really is" Cyrus voice was shaky.

i didn't want to let him go, but a nurse grabbed him and brought him out so that he could get all his stuff taken care of.

"alright baby number two any second now" and then the sound of cried filled the air again. and i cried all over again.

the nurse placed him down on me again. and i was a mess all over again.

"he's just as perfect" Cyrus says.

the nurse took him to go with his brother.

"okay baby number three any second now" the Dr informs us.

i didn't hear a cry, i was getting worried.

the machine started beeping that was attached to me. i was getting worried.

"Sir i need you to leave the room." A nurse came over to Cyrus.

"what! no what's going on." he demands.

"i am sorry but you need to leave." the nurse rushed.

he looked conflicted. "go every thing will be okay" i whispers as o felt my eyes closing. i didn't know what was happing. i saw him stand before my eyes fully closed.

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