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Aurora POV

"so you got home late last night" Layla says as she poured her cup of coffee.

"mhm" i nodded as i took a sip of my gross tea. having no caffeine sucks.

" so what did you do?" she pressed.

"we talked about stuff." i said.

"mhm more like you where making more babies. as if three isn't enough" she grinned.

"Layla" i gasped.

"ha so it's true." she grinned.

"okay so it was true. what's it matter? you and Logan like to do baby making to" i chuckled.

"subject change, what time is Cyrus mom getting here?" she asked.

"i think Cyrus told me she would be here at around Eleven Thirty." i tell her.

"well then we better get ready, it's already eleven o'clock" Layla says as she looked at her phone.

"help me" i raised my arms.

"when i go threw my pregnancy you better help me out as much as i am helping you." Layla gave me a look.

"i promise i will." which i really did.

"so where are you going to put the babies? three cribs in your room?" Layla wondered.

"mhm actually i have to tell you something." i felt awful for not telling her sooner.

"your moving in with Cyrus." she guessed.

"ya i am really sorry if that leaves you in a tight spot. i will still pay rent" i offered.

"your not paying rent if you don't live here. besides Logan and i have kinda been talking about moving in together our selves. we have been together for almost a year." Layla says.

"ahhh no way, i am hearing wedding bells in the future. i better be your maid of honer." i was serious.

"don't worry you will be, Jessica is to young. she's only seventeen, way to much responsibility. but we are getting way ahead of our selves here." Layla tells me.

"i hope your all fully clothed, the door was unlocked so i let myself in." Cyrus announced.

"we are both naked don't come in" i called out.

"ya and we are having a pillow fight" Layla joined in.

"not funny" he scoffed.

i then made my way back to the living room so i could greet him.

"hey you" i smiled and quickly kissed him.

"how did she take the news?" Cyrus questioned.

"good, now i have to change out of my PJs. so be back in a flash." i went to turn away but gasped.

it must have been really loud cause Cyrus rushed over. "what are you okay?" he was freaked out.

"i just felt one of the babies move, i never felt it before. it feels like i have butterflies in my stomach." i gasped.

" oh thank god. i thought you where in pain or something" he looked a little relaxed.

"nope the only pain i have is in my back" i tell him.

"dose it hurt bad? maybe you should go get a massage?" he looked concerned.

"no i will be okay, i have been doing some stretches i found online that are supposed to help." i tell him.

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