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Aurora POV

my babies are one years old today. one full year, it's gone  by so fast i can't even believe how fast. they are getting so big it's just so amazing to watch. and they are all busy bodies. when we put them on the floor to play. they don't sit and play. they decide to crawl around.

but the one thing i have noticed is that have been grabbing on to things . and then moving while holding the coach. or if Cyrus and i hold there hands they are slowly starting to walk. but not by them selves yet. but it should happen really soon. and i am so excited but so sad at the same time.

"i can't believe that they are one years old today" Cyrus came up behind me.

"i know i am not ready for them to grow up yet" i didn't want to cry.

"i know what you mean. but at the same time i am. i want to be able to do all the things my dad did with me." Cyrus says.

" i know what you mean, i can't wait to see what they accomplish. what ever it is i know it will be great" i state.

"i know, now how about instead of standing here looking like creeps we start to get stuff ready before they wake up" he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of there room.

i followed him down stairs, where i started to get there breakfast ready. today's breakfast is scrambled eggs and toast. which they will probably just lick the butter off of like they usually do.

but for Cyrus and i cook some bacon with it. just as i was almost done i heard the boys from the monitor.

"boys are up" i tuned to Cyrus who was drinking his coffee.

he smiled then stood up, i turned off the stove and moved the pan off the burner. and we made our way upstairs. Cruz was standing up holding on to the bars of his crib.

"hi baby" i picked him up.

once all the boys where changed, we made our way down stairs. and placed them into there high chairs. i then placed a scoop of eggs on each of there trays. and a half a peice of toast cut in to two. then i made Cyrus his plate and mine.

the boys babbled in delight as they ate. they where almost finished when the door bell rang.

"i wonder who that could be" i said sarcastically i already knew it would be the grandparents.

but when i opened the door i was shocked at what i found.

"JR?" i didn't know what to expect.

"hi" he said nervously.

"do you guys need help carrying-" Cyrus started but stoped when he relizsd it wasn't our parents.

"what do you want Jr?" i really didn't want to deal with this.

"can i come in?" he asked.

"how did you know where we lived?" Cyrus blurred out.

"i have a friend who ran your lisence plate. i didn't know how else to get ahold of you. you changed your phone number" he tried to defend himself.

"what do you want where busy" i was getting impatient.

"this isn't something that i want to talk about in the door way." he pleaded.

i looked at Cyrus, and he must have known what i was thinking. cause he sighed and nodded his head.

"wow i didn't expect them to be so big already" he motioned to the boys.

"ya well they are a year old. now get to the point jr" i wanted him out of here already. today was supposed to be a happy day for us.

"mom and dad kicked me out. i am not asking to stay here. i have a place. but i just wanted you to know that i had no idea. i had no clue what was going on. they always made it seem like everything was okay. i feel awful that i didn't know. i know that you might not view me as a brother. or love me like one. but i just want you to know, i love you like a sister." he relived shocking news.

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