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Aurora POV

"you know you don't have to go with me today" i tell Cyrus.

" i want to be here for you today. it's going to be hard to meet this side of the family. and on your moms birthday. so i want to make sure that i am there for you." Cyrus says.

"thank you, i love you" i kissed him.

"do you think i look okay? i mean is it to casual?" i asked. i wanted to make sure i looked okay.

"you look perfect." he kissed me.

"alright so dad gave me the address and told me to meet him there

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"alright so dad gave me the address and told me to meet him there. cause he was going earlier to help set up." i tell Cyrus.

"alright then let's head out." he grabbed my hand as we made our way to the car.

"this is so nerve wracking. i am meeting me actual family." i was excited but nervous. i had no idea what to expect.

we pulled up to a house, it was a nice sized house. it had a really homely vibe to it.

" you ready?" Cyrus took my hand.

"i think so" i took a deep breath.

so we both got out and made our way to the front door. i rang the door bell. and after a few seconds the door opened. and i was met with Dads smiling face.

" hi sweetheart, you look lovely" dad pulled me into a hug.

"thanks" i smiled.

"everyone is out back are you ready?" dad asked me.

" i think so" i was nervous.

so Cyrus grabbed my hand in his. and we followed dad outside. everyone turned to look at the door. there was so many people here. i heard a bunch of gasps.

"oh you look just like your beautiful mother." a older woman pulled me into a hug.

i placed my arms around her. even though i had no idea who she was.

"oh i am sorry dear, i am your grandma Lindy." she whipped under her eyes.

"hi" i smiled.

"it's like looking in a mirror" a older man says.

"oh honey i know." my grandma leaned into the older man.

"I am your grandpa Louis" he introduced himself.

"hi" i said again i was so over whelmed.

"so James has informed us about all that. and it's so exciting isn't it" Grandma waves her hands around my stomach area as he talks with so much excitement in her voice.

"alright why don't you meet the rest of the family." Louis says.

i nodded but gasped when i saw a familiar face.

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