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Aurora POV

"are you sure you want to go home?" Cyrus asked as we where walking to the car.

"ya i am, i hope i didn't make you mom feel bad." i sighed.

Cyrus mom offered up her house to go to and have lunch. but just wanted to go home. i think i just need time to process the fact that i am having THREE babies. i thought one was going to be hard to handle. but now i three babies to worry about, and all at once.

how am i going to handle it. i was planning of breastfeeding but now i don't know. i mean what if all three babies are hungry. i can't feed them all at once. it's just a lot to handle. and let's not forget about the the money. now it's triple everything. which means triple the money.

i didn't want Cyrus to have to pay for everything. maybe i should start taking extra shifts at Dottie's. make so more money. because lord knows i am going to need it.

"do you want me to come up with you?" Cyrus asked and it was then i noticed we where at my house.

" no i think i am okay" i didn't know if that was a lie or not.

"well i am going to come up with you ." he got out of his door and came over to mine and pulled i opened.

"thanks" i smiled and we made our way inside.

"you hungry? i can make you some food" Layla asked.

"sure if your hungry" i replied.

"i was about to make grilled cheese. you want one Cyrus?" Layla offered him.

"sure if you don't mind. and i think Aurora needs two not just one" he tells Layla.

"one is fine" i protested.

"He's right Rory, the Dr did say you needed to get your weight up." Layla agreed with Cyrus.

"fine i will eat two" i huffed then made my way to the couch.

"so how you feeling?" Cyrus asked as he came and sat down beside me.

" i don't know, it's a lot to process" was all i said.

"well don't stress to much. and don't worry about Financial aspects of this cause i have it covered." he tells me.

" no that's not fair of you. i want to be able to contribute." i sat up straight.

"well once we get into a routine once the babies are born. then you should go back to school do what it is you want to do. but for now you just need to relax." he says.

"no i am not just going to sit at home all day. i want to work, i am already planing on taking up extra shifts at Dottie's" i tell him.

" i don't think that's wise. you heard the Dr you will be getting tired easily. and that's a pretty fast pace job. and can he dangerous in your condition." Cyrus states.

"my condition? i am not helpless you know." i scoffed and stood up.

" you know i didn't mean it like that." he was going to follow me.

"well then how did you mean it? i refuse to sit around for nine months just to cook some babies inside me." i stormed off to my room not giving him a chance to respond.

"aurora don't walk away" he called out but i was already in my room.

i sat down on the bed and took some deep breaths. this is not how i pictured this day going. it was supposed to be a happy day.

"i am coming in" Cyrus knocked on the door.

i didn't say anything just turned on my side so i didn't have to see him when he came in.

"can we please just talk about this? i didn't mean to make you feel bad. i just want you safe and the three little baby's inside of you safe. i wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you guys." Cyrus says.

i turned over to face him. and sighed. i patted the spot beside me and he came and laid down beside me. i lay my head on his chest.

"i know you don't, but i just don't want you to have to pay for everything. and i will be board out of my mind just sitting around." i tell him.

" i know that, which is why i have come to a conclusion." he tells me.

"which is?" i asked.

"you can come and work for me. at the office. you will still be working but it will be easy you won't be on your feet all day, and i can make sure your feeling okay." he suggested.

"that's very sweet of you, but i don't think it's my kind of thing." i said.

" okay so then go back to school, you have nine months free right now, and we can get a nanny to help us out. my parents will help us out as much as they can." he suggested.

"Cyrus let's be real here i can't afford to go to school right now, and i am not letting a nanny take care of my children." i was serious.

"well i will pay for you to go to school, and we will figure something out when the babies come. you deserve to do something that you love. something that you want to do, because you want to do it. not because someone forced you to do it." he encouraged.

"i can't ask you to pay for my schooling." i sighed.

"you didn't ask i offered." he says.

"your sure?" i sat up to look at his face.

" one hundred percent." he smiled.

"thank you" i smiled.

"your welcome, it's the least i could do for you." he claimed.

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