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Aurora POV

"alright boys how do we feel about blueberry, strawberry and raspberry" i cooed to them.

i placed a spoonful in CJs mouth and he didn't spit it out like he  did yesterday with the peas. so this is progress. but Canyon liked the peas. and so far he seemed to like this mixture to as i watched Cyrus feed him. i moved on to Cruz he still hasn't taken his solid foods. but the last couple weeks o keep trying.

but much to my surprise he actually took it off my spoon.

"He did he, he finally did it" i cheered in excitement.

"see babe i knew it wasn't anything to worry about" Cyrus smiled.

"okay take another bite baby" i brought the spoon up to his mouth. and he took it again, this made me feel so much better. i had been so worried.

and thankful as of right now they have stopped crying from teething, but i notice they are still chewing the rings pretty often.

"ah gross Canyon" i tuned my head and noticed Cyrus had bits of purple on his arm.

"what happened?" i laughed.

"he spit it out" he stood up to grab a napkin to wipe it off.

i laughed at his face, he didn't look to impressed.

"it's not funny" Cyrus groaned.

"oh it is, cause it's not on me. that was me yesterday though. CJ hates the peas." i brought up.

Cruz started to bang on the table and his mouth was opened. so i placed a spoon full of food in his mouth.

"oh look at you eating this all up." i cooed.

he then just started to do his baby babble. which caused CJ and Canyon to start.

"i feel like that are taking to each other. like they actually know what the heck they are saying to one another"Cyrus came and sat down beside me again.

"well maybe they are. we might nog know what they are saying. but how do we know that they don't" i said.

"mhm guess we will never know" he shrugged.

"you have no idea how relived i am" i was serious when i said this.

"i was never worried, i knew that we just had to keep trying. it was all so new to him. he just needed to a just. it's the same thing he's now able to sit up on his own. i am positive he will be crawling or doing some type of moment by the end of the week." he bet.

"i think so too. just wait till they start to walk. then we will be in trouble" i laughed.

"oh if they are like me as a baby then yes. mom said i got into everything." he chuckled.

"we will just have to move stuff out of there reach." i said.

"should we try the banana again with Cruz?"Cyrus asked.

"why not it can't hurt." i stood up and grabbed on and a knife to cut it. i cute small pieces and placed on his tray. then i did the same for the other two.

he didn't touch it right away, but after a few seconds he picked it up and placed it in his mouth.

"good job baby" i cooed.

"can you believe that in like two months they will be a year old already." Cyrus brought up.

"i know it's so crazy how fast they are growing up." i tried not to cry at the thought.

" mom is going crazy with gifts." Cyrus said.

"can we expect anything less though?" it was the truth and we both knew it.

"i know, i told her that she didn't need to go all out. i mean the boys won't even remember it. but she's was like well i will. then she played the guilt card." he explained to me.

"well she knows that this is her only chance at grandchildren. because of you being an only child." i tried to lighten then situation.

"i know" he sighed.

"what's wrong? you look upset" i placed a hand on his shoulder.

"i wasn't always an only child" he says and i was shocked.

"what?" i didn't know what to say.

"well i am my parents only biological child" he says.

"okay" i wasn't sure where this was going.

"mom and dad couldn't have any more kids after me. so they adopted, we had the baby for maybe a week. and she got sick, we are not sure if she was sick before we got her or not. but she was to weak to fight it. so she died, i don't really remember much. just that she was there and then she was gone." he says.

"that's awful, i couldn't imagine having to go threw that." it was true even though it wasn't biologicaly there's. i can already know that they loved that baby. it's just the type of people they are. i wish that i got that growing up.

"ya my parents don't like to talk about it." he says.

"well that's understandable, it must have been awful" i said.

"that's why mom is spoiling them, to make up for it i guess ." he shrugged.

i leaned and gave him a quick kiss. to try and make him feel a bit better.

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