Chapter Three

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"From every wound there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, 'I survived'"


I was trailing behind. My feet were being dragged. What was my job? What was this place? My mind was in a frenzy and it was impossible to calm myself down.

My heart thumped against my chest and I could feel every pound. I felt like it would burst. It was so dark in here, and people were roaming around with large black bags, like the one Andrew had in his hand. I suddenly rememberedhe wanted me to deliver it to someone. Who? How could I ever find the person in such a big crowd?

I shyly turned to look at the guard who was tasked to keep me safe. His looks gave a threatening effect, one which made me shiver and want to dash the other way. Andrew told me it was just a mask, not a personality.

Andrew stopped in his tracks and then informed me of all the instructions I needed to follow. "Clear?" I nodded as a response, unable to meet his eyes. "If anyone shows any form of disrespect, tell them I'm your father, and they'll move away. That's if the person is not already dead."

Letting out a shaky breath, I nodded again. He left me on my own there, and I decided to explore the area, though I felt small and very out of place. Everyone seemed to walk around like it's their home, and I knew I stood out amongst them. My steps were heavy as I ventured deeper into the building, and soon I found the man I was to trade with.

I approached him despite having the urge to move away, holding out the bag for him. His eyebrows were raised as I list out the items in the bag in a quiet voice.

"You need to speak louder than that, kid," the man told me. My hands were shaking nervously as I repeated, louder than before.

He snorted, scanning my appearance. I had a gun with me, though I still had trouble with the aiming. I was told it was better to bring it wherever I went. "Where's Andrew Spencer? Are you here to help him with his errands? Call him here."

I stayed silent. What response could I give in my current situation? I wanted to disappear and never return. I wished a hole could swallow me up right then and there.

His cold hand touched my face, and I stepped back. Nothing could ever go right. He stepped closer to me, and I was immediately engulfed by panic.

"My father is A" before I could finish my sentence, I jolted at a deafening sound. My hand flew to my ears, like most of the people in the building. The man before me fell helplessly onto the ground with a fresh bullet wound on his head.

I looked behind me with the sound of my heartbeat joining the ringing bang which still continued to sound in my ears. 

My breathing was ragged as my eyes landed on the guard with his finger on the trigger.


"Miss Leira, I heard you found a friend yesterday." Oliver set a glass of water in front of me. A slow smile formed on my lips as I glanced at him.

"From who did you hear that piece of information?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as my nails tapped on the polished wooden table in a steady metronome.

"The guards. They mentioned you smiled more than you usually do," he told me. A grin reached my lips as the memory of the night before formed in my head. I had my first friend after years, Luna—the breathtaking girl with golden hair. The thought of the boy who stumbled into the forest was now in the back of my head, overtaken by her. I was now looking forwards to the visit of Andrew's long-time ally, for I had left our conversation hanging the day before.

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