Chapter Sixteen

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"Drunken words are sober thoughts."


My mouth dried and I felt like a deer in the headlights. Kai and Justice had their gazes fixed on me as well, which doubled the anxiousness holding me down.

My hand started sweating under the pressure of the many wary stares.

There was only one person in the room who would not be fazed. Owning a weapon would not discombobulate Luna because she could comprehend why I had it.

I peered at her with a silent plea to save me from the uncomfortable position. Thankfully, she stepped in before I needed to speak.

"She lives near this forest in town and her family...hunts animals. This cabin is surrounded by greenery and who knows if there'll be creatures?" she babbled. Relief gushed in my veins as I sent an expression of appreciation towards Luna. I was grateful that the two friends lacked knowledge towards hunting and accepted the explanation without second thoughts. They were confused but did not stubbornly fight against her answer.

"I got you," Luna mouthed with the side of her lips tugged upwards.

Treyton reached for the knife to free the drinks from the cardboard and left them on the table. The way he grasped it caused an unexpected ripple of concern slithering within me. He took it with such certainly. Like a professional. Like me.

"Okay, so there are four rooms and I'm sharing with Justice. There are two upstairs and the rest are to my right," Luna explained. "So after we unpack in our rooms and take a shower, we'll meet outside where we'll loosen up beside the bonfire with some drinks."

We dispersed into our respective rooms. Mine was beside Luna's, on the second floor.

There was yet another chimney made with the same brick-like material in the room and a few relaxing chairs scattered around the bed. A chandelier that hung with illuminating pride from the ceiling was the main source of light. It was stretched out from the center into branches that each held a glowing white light.

I carelessly emptied the bag I had, keeping the items of 'utmost importance' as quoted by Andrew—the gun and the useful blades that were concealed on the bottom of the pile of necessities—into the drawer beside the bed.

After a short moment, I found myself with the group of friends, around the comforting warmth of the flickering flame.

"When Luna and I first turned eighteen this year, we had the most enjoyable parties that involved some drinks," Treyton told me. "Just a little bit though."

"A little bit my ass," Kai snickered. She was still drawing me and working on my eye. It was realistic with every little detail. My blue orbs were shown in different shades and sketched with impressive precision.

It had been years since I felt this way. It was the only time rules were not chaining onto my life and controlling my every action. I felt freedom along with lightness in my chest. It was as if no stress was holding me down.

Justice had an arm around Luna as they laughed at Treyton's joke. I joined in, realizing that this felt different—having friends to talk to. I never imagined how much I missed since being locked up in Andrew's control.

Before, I did not understand that friends could be made without the occurrence of trust. I was wrong and I learned that now. Simply having companions to enjoy time with was magical enough and I wished I knew that sooner.

Although guards lurked the area, I did not feel restricted from doing anything.

The rather chilling night settled, yet it barely affected us around the luminous source of heat. Worthy memories were shared and our laughter echoed throughout the open space.

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