Chapter Twenty Five

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"There's nothing like doing something wrong to learn how it might be done better."


"See? Leverage." The man still had the weapon aimed at the child. He was directing his words to Justice.

I needed to get around this with an intelligent method. Unfortunately, I did not have an additional plan to counter his action. I should have seen this coming.

I glanced around the room. It was loaded with the noise of Constance's wails and Justice's heavy breathing.

"I knew you'd come. After being Calvin's little pet dog for a while, quietly babysitting his son, I've gotten quite used to seeing your face," remarked the guy. "Daughter of Andrew Spencer. You weren't until three years ago. You disappeared one day after your parents let you go. Hell, I even remembered their names. I had to dig up so much information of you for Calvin or I would return home with a different face. A bloody new face."

"So you were an abused worker. Not the first time I heard. I did some research myself too," I said. I was dragging the conversation for an idea.

"Liar," the man said and snickered. "You can't find any of Calvin's Woodland information. It's impossible."

"Not when you're the daughter of Andrew Spencer," I told him. "Now, what did Calvin do for you to take his son's hostage?"

"My sister," was all he responded with.

A thought decided to reach me right then. My lips curved into a small grin.

"Look at the little girl you're threatening with your gun. Listen to her sobs. You're not much different from Calvin Woodland, are you?" I said. "Are you sure your sister would approve of this choice? Would she be willing to see her dearest brother murder an innocent person with a whole future ahead of her?"

He knew what I was doing but he understood all of my points.

"Being held at gunpoint isn't a good feeling," I stated the obvious. "You're doing it to a kid. You're scaring her."

He had a clenched jaw. My words were registering in his head; his hand on the gun started to lower, an inch every second.

I waited with impatience. Then, I heard footsteps heading towards me. It should be Justice's family.

I stayed where I was, staring at the man with the lethal weapon.

Then, fear crossed his features and his eyes went wider than saucers. Without warning, a sharp noise reached my ears and red began to form on his shirt.

The gasp that escaped Justice and the guy I had my knife pressed against did not go unheard.

I mirrored the man's utterly alarmed expression and looked behind me expeditiously, speedier than an arrow could be shot with a bow. The shock traveled my veins and caused something to bubble inside me. I could hear my heartbeat hammer against my chest, loud and clear.

I caught the eyes of the man that fired that bullet and every drop of shock became irritation and hostility.

My expectations were completely shattered.

"I had it under control!" I could not prevent the massive outburst. "Why did you have to kill him?! What is wrong with you?"

The weepings of Constance became twice as loud.

"You could have just flung the knife," his voice was calm. He knew I would have this reaction, but he did it anyway.

I could feel the resentment sweep across my face. My hands were balled into fists and disgust surged from my heart to my veins. I was blinded was fury, despair, and every negative word that was in the dictionary.

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