Chapter Thirty Two

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A bizarre silence wavered in the air. It was unprecedented, only because noise always seemed to erupt when my group of friends reunited.

There was an empty spot, a seat reserved for Luna. Kai, Zak and Treyton could sense the unusual tension, and they were mystified. Not everybody knew the reason for Luna's absence.

The floral scent surrounded us, but it failed in ridding the unwanted attention on Justice and me. Once, my father brought me here to the west for his image of 'fun', and I adored the memory. Now, I could only imagine the dream-like portrayal of what was once me.

"So? Are you telling us what's going on?" Treyton questioned. "It's undeniable, just saying."

"Luna always turns up. Why is she not here?" Kai interjected. She yearned an explanation, but Justice and I were cocooned in a blanket of utter silence. Neither of us wanted to bring it up.

Zak clucked his teeth. "She found out, didn't she?"

Kai spared him a glance. "Is there something you're keeping from me?" she questioned, pressurizing me beyond what I thought was possible.

Treyton's eyes widened. "You told her, didn't you?"

Baffled, Kai gaped, and her eyes darted between the pair. "You told them and not me?" She narrowed her eyes as if insulted. "Tell me, or I'm never drawing another portrait of you with Zak again."

In unison, the pair turned to glare at her. "No," they said.

"Then tell me."

I bit my lips with fugitive apprehension of what Kai might think of me. Justice was unusually quiet, though I could barely blame him.

"Justice over here," Treyton started, pointing to the silent figure beside me, "is with Leira."

Processing, Kai fixed an unwavering stare at me, then a befuddled expression washed over her features. "They're together?"

Without denying or delivering confirmation, Kai remained dumbfounded. "You guys told Luna in her face?" she questioned, and I managed a small shake of my head.

"She saw us," I whispered. Somehow, it was louder than anything.

Thoughts swivelled in my mind, bringing me back to the days of Leira. In the past, they were the opinions of Ariel within me. Now, they were Leira's. Beliefs of the girl who learnt to hide feelings behind a mask. A person chained by rules and moulded into a murderer. A killer never caught due to the protection of a father. Her cacophonous sound loitered freely in my head and I was so close to screaming.

'Working towards your aim with greed and selfish actions will give desired results,' her opinions murmured. Between a thousand voices, I caught her whispering, 'Only a weakness can prevent or slow you down in a decision.'

Who was she talking about?

"She'll be upset for quite a while." Kai frowned as she eyed Justice. "I know you don't feel anything towards Luna, but that's a bit harsh don't you think?"

"What can I do to...make up to her?" I asked, hopeful.

"Nothing," came two voices at once—Kai and Justice.

"Ariel, she just needs time. It's what I learnt about her." A tight smile formed on Justice's lips.

"Who's Ariel?" Treyton questioned with a slight tug on his lips. "Is it a name you use for her when you're having—"

"No," Justice interrupted him.

"I was going to say a meal." Zak snorted.

"Is it a nickname then?" Kai inquired.

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