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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

I am so happy that I was able to resolve the conflict I had with Poppy, Alicia and Beverley. Not only did we resolve it but we also told each other's stories. Hopefully, we can tell each other more in the future. The girls all get out their lunches and start eating with me. They all have a lot of good food except for Alicia who only has a bit of food. We all get along surprisingly, we could probably speak for hours, just like how Yasmin and I are.

"Hey, uh, could I have your number?" Poppy asks.

I put my sandwich down and nod, I enter my number into her contacts then do the same with Alicia and Beverley.

"It might be too early to ask this, but is it okay if we come to your place?" Poppy asks, "I really don't want to go to my place this afternoon."

I nod once again, "I just have to inform my parents, I'll message you and catch your bus this afternoon."

The bell rings and we head to our classes. I sit down in my spot in my accounting class. I grab my phone and message the Stray Kids group chat. I'm not going to message my parents because they would be fine with it and they most likely wouldn't see the girls anyways.

Is it okay if you guys stay out at the shops for a few more hours?

What, why?

Ahhh, I have some people coming over and I don't think I want them meeting you guys yet, but I mean you can come home if you really want to.

Who is it? Why wouldn't you want us to meet them?

Do you seriously want to know? I don't think you would be very happy.

It's those bullies, isn't it? They would be the only people that we wouldn't be happy about.

Haha, yeah, that's who's coming over.

I'm coming home, I'm not letting them stay with you all alone.

I absolutely second that.

Everyone quickly agrees with Minho and honestly, I am now very nervous to have the girls over.

We are leaving the shops in an hour so we should be home before you get home.


I create a new group chat with the girls. By now, my teacher has arrived but we are told to do our assignment so I don't do anything because I have like six weeks to do it and two of these weeks are the school holidays. I message the new group chat.

So, I messaged my parents and they said you can come over. However, you may not meet my parents but some other people. Like, nine other people.

Holy shit, nine people? Why wouldn't we meet your parents?

I think it's just better if you wait until this afternoon where you'll most likely be asked a hit ton of questions.

That's okay. They most likely need answers to their questions.

I turn off my phone and actually do a bit of work.

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

I get on the bus that I used to catch, which I will go back to catching from tomorrow, and I see that the girls are sitting where I usually sit. I smile at them and sit where the empty seat is, which is next to Beverley.

We are having really fun conversations, but I can tell they are really nervous about who they are about to meet and the questions that they will be asked.

"You don't have to be worried about the situation ahead if they act too rude, I'll tell them to stop, okay? If you feel overwhelmed or stressed or anything please tell me so I can address it to everyone." I explain.

"Thank you, also this may seem like a weird or rude question, seeing what we've mentioned we'd do before, but will Jasper be there?" Poppy questions.

"Of course, he will be." I smile, nodding. "Also, don't be scared to ask questions."

They once again nod, we pass their spot and of course, no one gets off. We get to my stop and we get off, thanking the driver while leaving. We walk the small distance to my house and I unlock the door. I can hear the screaming of Stray Kids and Jasper laughing.

"I can't even leave them alone with my own kid without them screaming." I laugh to myself. I gently facepalm and I open the door. I stare into the house to see the guys hitting each other to make Jasper laugh. I clear my throat, getting the attention of a few members. I look at the girls to see them shocked, which is very understandable. Seeing that the very first in-person impression these guys make is hitting each other and also the fact that they're Stays and are most likely already overwhelmed. The people that realise I am here are Felix, Jeongin and Minho. Felix walks to me and hugs me, kissing my cheek quickly. 

"Come in guys, it's okay. I won't let them hurt you. Also, take off your shoes, please. Thank you." I request.

They hesitate to enter the house but do so anyway. Now all the guys have taken notice of the three extra people in the house. Jisung comes up to me, passing Jasper to me. It feels like the silence could suffocate everyone in this room. I direct everyone into the living room. Everyone sits down and I place Jasper on his tummy time mat. I sit down near the girls so they can have some support if they need it.

Chan then starts the conversation, "Okay, so Seungmin is going to translate everything we say so everyone can understand the situation." The girls nod at Chan, who is displaying a frightening face, just like the rest of the members. "Now, why did you guys do it?"

The girls tell them everything that they told me, including the things that they are struggling with. It is a pleasant sight to see Stray Kids slowly softening up to them and slowly forgiving. Felix moves to sit next to me, which the girls are fine with and thanks them for telling everyone. Even the most protective member accepts them. I hug Felix and smile brightly.

"Thank you so much. Now, Poppy, Alicia and Beverley will be staying for a while because they don't want to go home." I announce, of course, they are confused because they can't speak Korean but I told them not to worry, everyone will try their best to communicate.

Everyone gets off the couch and goes their own ways, Felix picks up Jasper and sits back down next to me. We stay there for a little before getting up to join the rest.

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

Words: 1124

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