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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

We arrive home and I sit on the couch. Felix gets Jasper out of the pram and sits him down, sitting next to him so he can catch him if he falls. I look at the child and feel kind of bad. He didn't do anything wrong. I get off the couch and sit on the floor with Felix and Jasper. Jasper smiles at me as I reach my hands out to him and he falls forward into my arms. I bring him close to my body and apologise profusely. I look down at my child and see him making a sad face like he knew I was sad.

"I thought you couldn't deal with him right now?" Felix asks.

"Yeah, I decided that I should because he did nothing wrong and I should be there for him. He is only six months old." I explain.

"That's good, I have no clue how long I would've been able to handle it." He laughs.

I laugh with him. "I'm sorry that I'm not that comfortable with kissing, Felix. I feel like a shit girlfriend."

"Seriously, don't worry about it. I'm not bothered by it."

"I think I'll be better once Brayden is arrested."

Felix nods and looks at the child in my arms. I lay him down and get him to practice rolling over. I sit next to Felix and lean my head on his shoulder. I watch as Jasper tries to roll over without lifting his arm, so he starts crying. I assist him by lifting his arm up and he rolls over. Felix and I clap and smile at Jasper. I pass him a toy and he grabs onto it, shaking it and banging it on things, causing a large amount of noise to be developed. The guys come from where they were in the house and enter the living room, smiling at me and Jasper.

"So, we'll be going to Sydney to meet our parents soon." Felix brings up.

"Oh yeah, how far away is that now? I completely forgot about it because of everything that happened."

"That's understandable. Well, we leave in six days." Chan brings up.

"Oh my gosh, that soon?"

"Yeah, also remember that we are staying at each house for about a week. Well, by staying I mean at a hotel but we visit them every day." Chan explains.

I nod in understanding and get my phone so I can make a list of things I need so Jasper and I can travel easily without many issues.

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

So, all 10 of us are flying down to Sydney today. I am so nervous because I am meeting Chan's parents first. I don't know how I'm going to react around them. I don't know how they'll react to me. I have a kid at 17, there's no way they'll think positively of me. I feel a hand intertwine with mine and I look up to see Felix.

"It's okay Y/N. His parents won't think of you negatively. They are way too nice." Felix states.

"Did you just read my mind?" I ask, genuinely shocked.

He laughs and lets go of my hand so I can push the pram easier. We make it to baggage claim and quickly drop everything off. Felix has had to carry Jasper for me because the bruises on my hips till hurt a tiny bit. He also claims that Jasper might make them worse so I just let him anyways. None of the girls, including Yasmin, know about what happened. I don't know when they'll find out. Maybe after Brayden's arrest.

We make it to security and we quickly make it through. We find our gate and we all sit down with Jasper on Felix's lap.

After some time we are allowed to get on the plane. Once again, Jasper has to be on one of our laps and of course, I take him this time seeing Felix had him for quite a while now.

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

We arrive at our hotel and we all say goodnight to each other as we are exhausted. We enter our room. Felix and I both flop on to our bed, laying Jasper in between us. When we hear a few sounds coming from Jasper, I look down at him, listening carefully. He is just repeating a 'ba' noise but that's the first time he's ever done it. I grab my phone and I start recording.

"Jasper say, ba-ba-ba-ba for mummy and daddy again," I request.

Japser then repeats the said sound and I stop the recording once he's done, sending it to the group chat.

Here's a video of Jasper for everyone. It's a new thing!

He's the cutest, wait until he can actually speak.

He'll definitely be adorable then saying Uncle Jisung or whatever he wants to call me.

Wait, that'll be so cute.

Anyways, we all really need to sleep, we have to leave kind of early tomorrow.

Okay, party pooper :(


I turn off my phone and I get up placing Jasper back in his pram. I adjust the seat of the pram so it's laying down flat. I place a blanket over him and I lay back in bed with Felix. He gently wraps his arms around me and I snuggle into his cheat. It's comforting, it's like it stops me from having nightmares. We fall asleep quickly and only wake up a few times from Jasper's crying.

We wake up for the final time by someone calling Felix. Felix yawns, letting go of me and grabs his phone. In his hazy state, he doesn't check the caller's name and just answers it.

"Where the fuck are you guys?" I can hear from his phone.

"We just woke up Chan." Felix replies.

"Well, that taxi will be here in 10 minutes so you better hurry up." I hear once again.

Felix hangs up without answering and we both jump out of bed, running around to get ready. Seeing Felix got ready before me, he gets everything organised for Jasper, who is just peacefully making his 'ba' noises. We leave the hotel room with everything we need and we get to the lobby just as the taxi pulls up even if we still look like a bit of a mess.

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

Words: 1049

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