Chapter 1

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Mahir's POV

With great difficulty I opened my eyes a little, only to shut them down again due to the light which was too bright.

I tried to open my eyes a few more times.

Doctor... The patient is trying to open his eyes...

I heard a female voice which confused me.

Where am I???

The question popped up in my mind but I felt my throat too dry to speak.

Nurse... Check his BP and Heartbeat rate... I heard a male voice.

Who are they talking about??? Are they talking about me??? But what happened to me???

I felt a needle pierce my hand.

Was it an injection???

I wanted to scream now because I hate injections. Actually I'm scared of it.

After a few minutes, I felt better than before. Now I tried to open my eyes and I succeed in doing it.

I looked around myself. I found myself in a hospital room with a Doctor and Nurse standing next to me. I was the patient they were talking about.

How are you feeling??? The Doctor asked.

I parted my lips but couldn't say anything.

Wa... Wat... Water... I spoke with so much difficulty.

They immediately gave me water.

How are you feeling now??? Again the same question.

Fine... But this time I could reply.

Nurse inform his family members that he is wake and fine... The Nurse left.

So what's the last thing you remember??? The Doctor sat on stool next to my bed.

Now when I tried to remember that, my head hurt a lot.

Hmmm... It was my Brother's Haldi and I went out to get some things which Maa wanted... I remembered.

As I tried to remember further my head hurt more.

Relax... The Doctor ordered.

Then when returning home, I was lost in my thoughts and so I didn't see a truck coming towards my car... So to save myself, I had to turn to the left and then my car hit a tree... This made my head hit against the steering wheel...

I said and then all I can remember are blurred images.

Then??? Doctor asked.

Nothing... I can't see it clearly... I told the truth.

You have strained your mind too much... The Doctor spoke as he noticed me holding my head which was aching.

Before I could protest he injected something into me. Within a minute, my eyes felt droopy and I shut them down.


Kuhu's POV

Bhabhi??? Are you alright??? I asked as I noticed her lost in her thoughts and tears in her eyes.

Yes Kuhu... I'm fine... As usual, she doesn't like to share her pain with anyone.

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