Chapter 32

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Mahir's POV

I stood still as I realised that both Ruhi and Shaan have their gun pointed at me.

I looked at my back to find Ruhi and in my front was Shaan with Bela.

Bela was crying bitterly as Shaan tightened his hold on the gun. I again glanced back and front. Both of them were actually standing close to me.

Suddenly I realised that there is a chance to escape. But it could be risky for Bela. But I had no time to think much.

The very next moment Shaan pulled the trigger followed by Ruhi. I instantly moved to my left and pulled Bela towards me.

I had pulled Bela with a lot of force and so I lost balance, resulting in me falling on the floor with Bela in my arms.

Turning to my right I saw Shaan's bullet which was aimed for my forehead was now in Ruhi's chest due to our height difference and she fell down whimpering in pain. The bullet shot by Ruhi for me exactly hit Shaan's forehead and he was dead.

Shaan's men tried to attack us but thankfully Ajitabh came with his team.

I hugged Bela and kissed her forehead.

Bela??? I called out only to find out that she had passed out.

Worried I patted her cheeks but got no response. By now Vish and Yuvi came to us and helped us in getting up.

Bela??? Even after sprinkling water on her face she didn't respond.

Once again here I was waiting here for the Doctor, praying for Bela and our Baby's well being.

Your Wife is fine she fainted due to low BP... The Doctor informed the moment he walked out.

Our Baby??? I asked.

The reports are yet to arrive... I hope so it isn't anything serious.


Bela's POV

I woke up and found myself in a Hospital room. Instantly my hands caressed my belly and I sighed in relief as I felt baby bump.

I looked around but there was no one else in the room.

Mahir Ji??? I called.

Suddenly the happenings of the day flashed. Shaan and Ruhi shot Mahir Ji. Tears welled up in my eyes thinking about his condition.

Composing myself I got down the bed and moved to the door. I can't just sit and wait for someone to come, I desperately needed to know how is Mahir Ji.

Just as I stepped outside the room, I heard his voice.

Bela where are you going??? I turned around and found my Husband perfectly alright.

Mahir Ji... I crashed into his arms sobbing.

I don't for how long I was sobbing but I just remember that.

The sunlight peeping into the room, fell on me which was irritating and it woke me up.

I was actually surprised to see that I was back home. I smiled seeing my dearest Hubby sleeping peacefully with his hand resting on my belly.

I moved closer to him and he snuggled hugging me.

I kissed his forehead, then eyes, followed by his nose and even his cheeks. After thinking for a few minutes, I even pecked his lips.

Taking advantage of your sleeping Husband??? Mahir Ji spoke startling me.

He opened his eyes and looked at me with a naughty smile.

Before I could say anything I was pulled in for an urgent kiss.

After breaking the kiss, I told him everything that happened since I left home.

By the time I finished saying it I was sobbing.

But Mahir Ji how did you escape??? I asked still confused.

He then told me what he did and how Shaan died on the spot with Ruhi being hurt.

I have even lodged a complaint against Ruhi... For your Dad's murder... He informed me.

You aren't getting any cramps no??? He asked me.

Nooo... I declined.

He then told me what the Doctor told regarding our Baby. I immediately panicked hearing it.

Relax Baby... Doctor told it could be complicated if you get painful cramps often... He assured me.

I hugged him and hide my face in the crook of his neck because I was feeling sleepy and the sunlight was disturbing me.

I heard him chuckle and he snuggled closer to me if it was possible.


Kahlilia-k Your guess turns out to be absolutely correct.

I know it's a shorter update than the usual one. But since it's been a few days back that I updated this story, I'm updating it.
The next update would be posted soon and it would be longer for sure.

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