Chapter 18

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Mahir's POV

What happened Mr. Kapoor??? I asked while I smirked internally.

Nothing... Let's continue... Mr. Shaan Kapoor took the coffee and sipped it as he went through the presentation.

Just now Kuhu had come to serve us coffee and Shaan asked her about Bela. I wanted to punch his face but I remained silent. Kuhu obviously told him that Bela had gone out for shopping and would return by evening. His face fell hearing it and I jumped with joy but pretended to be normal.

I heard his phone ring and he excused himself. He stood at the other end of the study room as he spoke on the phone.

I'm so sorry Mr. Sehgal... Right now I have to leave... An emergency came up... How about I came back in the night and we talk about the deal over dinner??? Hearing his words after he came back after the phone call, made my anger rise more.

I'm so sorry Mr. Kapoor but I actually tend to sleep a bit early due to the medications... How about tomorrow morning??? I planned of sending Bela on shopping tomorrow also.

His expression gave me a lot of satisfaction.

Yeah sure... He agreed not aware of my plans.

I happily texted Bela about Shaan's departure but to my disappointment she texted back that they are busy in shopping and she'll return by 5pm only.

Not having anything to do, I decided to catch up with Yuvi. Lately he knows too much about me and my attacker.

You mean to say that Mahir Bhai married Bela Bhabhi because he likes her... Adi's words shocked me.

I was about to knock on Yuvi's room door but then I stopped as I heard what Adi said. The door was ajar and so I easily could hear what they were talking and I decided to eavesdrop their conversation.

No Adi... Yuvi said.

But you just said that only... I repeated the same thing... Adi asked confused.

Even I was confused, because that was the real reason behind my proposal to marry Bela after Yuvi ran away.

I said Mahir Bhai agreed to marry Bela because he had feelings for her...

I said the same... Adi interrupted Yuvi's talk.

When I mentioned feelings, I meant Mahir Bhai "LOVES" Bela...

When had I shared this with Yuvi??? Why would I do so??? After getting to know about Bela and Yuvi Engagement I decided to keep my feelings within me only... Then why and when did I tell it to Yuvi???

Mahir thought as he heard Yuvi's statement.

From when??? Adi questioned.

Hmmm... I just know that Mahir Bhai had met Bela even before Pratham Bhai and Suhani Bhabhi's Engagement... But I don't know when and how did they meet... Another shock that Yuvi knows about this too.

So we actually are giving Mahir Bhai's brain stress by hiding the fact that Bela Bhabhi is his Wife... Adi finally understood it, but gladly now I know the complete truth.

One thing is still confusing... Adi spoke after a minute.

Why didn't you say about this before to anyone??? How do you know about Mahir Bhai's attacker??? What is your real intention behind all this??? Adi bombarded Yuvi with his questions.

I want all the Property and Sehgal Industries in my name... I don't care about BeHir or their Baby or if BeHir are together or not...

I stood there dumbstruck after knowing my little brother Yuvraj's real face.

I was brought out of my shock when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I was about to reject the call as I wanted to hear Yuvi and Adi's talk but seeing that it is Bela's call I received it.

Hello... I walked towards the hall.

Mahir Jiju... I stopped in my tracks as I heard Vish's panicked voice.

Vish??? Where is Bela??? What happened??? I too got panicked.

Mahir Jiju... Bela is kidnapped... I felt my heart beat stop.


What do you think about Yuvi???
Is Bela safe??? Who could have kidnapped her???

I know it is a short update. But I still updated it as it has been long time since I updated this story.

Due to some personal reasons I am unable to concentrate on my writings. From 18th December onwards I will try to update my stories regularly. Until then too I will update my stories but not

Next update only after 150+ votes.

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