Chapter 6

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Time Line

4/4/2019 : Mahir's minor accident

6/4/2019 : Yuvi and Bela Wedding

20/5/2019 - 30/5/2019 : Vish stay in SH

2/6/2019 : Mahir's accident

2/6/2019 - 4/10/2019 : Mahir was in Coma

Vish stays in Delhi, but due to her works she sometimes come to Mumbai.

Due to Mahir's second accident having an impact on his brain he lost the memory of two months i.e. 4/4/2019 - 2/6/2019.

Yuvi ran away after a few days of Mahir's second accident.

I hope this isn't confusing.


Mahir's POV

Even though today you woke up early, you are late for breakfast Bhai... Kuhu said.

I was taking bath... I replied the think which striked in my mind immediately.

Oh really??? Were you taking bath for so long??? Adi asked.

No Adi... I was sleeping in the bathtub...

Wow!!! What a lame excuse??? I thought.

The next moment all giggled. I looked at all confused. Only 2 people weren't giggling, Bela and Vish.

Excuse me... I was just kidding... I clarified.

But it was of no use, they looked at each other and giggled.

Why are they giggling??? What happened???

I asked Bela, who actually looked annoyed for reasons unknown to me.

Nothing Mahir Ji...

I wasn't satisfied with her reply. Surely there was something behind it.

I tried to remember anything about the bathtub.

Ahhh... My head hurt a lot.

I opened my eyes to drink water, only to find my whole family surrounding me.

Are you ok???

Is your head hurting???

Are you feeling dizzy???

Shall I get the tablet???

Should I call the Doctor???

They bombarded me with questions.

I'm fine... Water...

I drank water and tried to act normal, but the head ache was increasing.

Kuhu, get me the tablets... I said.

OMG!!! Bhai you almost finished one strip that contains 10 tablets in 4 days... Kuhu screamed.

Maa ordered her to keep quiet for now and gave me the last tablet available.

I felt relaxed after 5 minutes.

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