Chapter 33

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Mahir's POV

Mahir Ji!!! Wake up...

I heard Bela say, even though I was awake I didn't wanted to move away from her. I pulled her closer to myself resulting in our naked bodies to come in contact.

At least let me go... I can bet that Bela was red completely as she whispered.

Last night I heard something else Mrs. Sehgal... I teased.

I opened my eye to peep at Bela's expression. She was blushing hardly remembering what she said yesterday.

Yesterday night, I walked away from Bela to close the window as she the cold wind made her shiver. Well actually she shivered as she was naked and I too was almost naked, with only my boxer on me.

That's when I heard Bela whine as to why I left her and where I was going.

I chuckling pointed to the window, closing it I walked back to my Wife and then continued what I had stopped.

I love it when you blush... I pecked her cheeks.

I so wanted to say on I Love You to her but I didn't because I wanted to be special for her when I confess.

Mahir Ji... Please let me go... Bela pleaded and I loosened my hold on her.

Wrapping up the bedsheet she ran to the washroom, leaving me naked in the bed. I wore my boxer and again drifted to sleep.

Mahir Ji... Once again I heard by Wife trying to wake me up.

After a few minutes, I reluctantly got up and smiled seeing my Wife.

I have got your coffee now quickly brush your teeth... She ordered.

I made her keep the tray on the side table and made her sit on the bed.

What??? She asked.

Did you remember something??? Yes now it has been a common thing, I remember something daily. Well since the blood clot in my head is dissolved now, even Bela tells me about the happenings of the past.

What did you remember??? She asked curiously.

Hmmm... I remembered a my hot wife whining to be left alone in the bed... She looked confused.

Oh I should had added... My hot wife who was naked... I smirked.

Bela was scarlet as she realised as to what I remembered.

That was when we made love for the first time in our sense... She shyly added.

That means our second time... Bela simply nodded her head.

I Love you so so so much... I pecked her lips.

I Love you too... Bela replied.

As my one arm was on her baby bump, I too felt it when the Baby kicked.

We Love you too Baby... We chuckled and said.

Two more months and our bundle of joy will be with us in this world.


Bela's POV

Mahir Ji went to brush after I forcefully locked him in the washroom. I know he intentionally declined to irritate me.

I sat down on the couch and sipped my Tea, reminiscing about the past.

It's been 1.5 months, since everything is normal in our lives. Ruhi was sentenced lifetime imprisonment. Rohini Aunty was shocked to know about her daughter's deeds. She apologised to me and it turns out that she changed, now we are on talking terms.

Finally Yuvi confessed his feelings to Vish before she accepted Ajit's proposal. Actually Ajit never proposed her, it was just a lie to get Yuvi's feelings out from his mouth.

What's my Jaan thinking about??? Mahir Ji side hugged me.

I leaned on his shoulder and smiled gladly.

Just thinking about our lives... I replied.

We then sipped our drinks while chatting. Then he got ready for Office and I helped him with the things we forgot to take.


Andy's POV

I was reading the newspaper as usual, when I saw one by one all my family members coming and sitting down on the dining table. Seeing my family happy made me smile too.

Sumi and Kuhu were chatting and arranging the dishes on the table. Suhani sitting angrily as she wasn't allowed to work. Well since she is pregnant now, Sumi strictly ordered her not to work but Suhani doesn't seem to listen to her.

Pratham trying to cheer up his Wife's mood, but Suhani was still in a bad mood. Adi laughing as he saw his Brother handling his Bhabhi's pregnancy mood swings.

Soon we heard a couple quarrelling about something and everyone didn't need more time to guess who it was, Yuvi and his Fiancee Vish.

As they neared to the dinning table, we heard about what they were quarrelling. It was regarding the theme for their Sangeet.

They settled down in their chairs and asked everyone for about their opinions.

Just then we heard our family's soon to-be-parent's laughter. Greeting everyone they took their seat and Bela got involved in the theme discussion. While Mahir spoke to me about a contract.

Now I think it's time to retire, Mahir is absolutely fine to took over the company. It's time for me to relax and play with my grandchildren. Yuvi and Pratham too are there with Mahir to help him.

Finally the theme of the Sangeet was selected before we completed breakfast. As always it was Vish's selection which was finalised.

It's just 2 weeks ago BeHir remarried and now in a month we have YuVish marriage. Talks are going on for Kuhu and RJ Engagement too. Now only Adi is left to find his better half.

Everything seems absolutely perfect and I hope it remains the same forever.


This is the last part of the story.
I'm so sorry for the abrupt end, but I have run out of ideas for this story and I don't want to leave it ongoing for any future.
Shall update the Epilogue soon.
Will update the Math story regularly from now onwards.

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