Chapter 13

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Mahir's POV

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I was surprised to find my complete family in my room. I looked at everyone confused. I even spotted RJ my Doctor.

Suddenly I remembered what I had seen just before fainting.

I jolted out of the bed immediately and looked everywhere to find the photo.

What happened Mahir???

What are you looking for Bhai???

I ignored everyone's questions and continued my search.

Who was the one to find me unconscious??? I asked no one in particular.

Bela Bhabhi... Kuhu replied.

I looked at Bela with narrowed eyes.

Where is the photo Bela??? I tried to ask calmly but my voice couldn't hide my anger.

I don't know what are you talking about Mahir Ji... Which photo??? Bela replied confidently looking straight in my eyes.

As far as I know, she is a very bad liar. She usually stammers and doesn't make an eye contact when she says a lie.

I walked to the couch and not so surprisingly found the same book which I was reading. But there was nothing inside it.

Was it my hallucination??? Did I really see that photo???

I Like you Mahir Ji... Echoed in my ears and I looked at Bela.

Again I felt like I was going to faint.

Mahir... Relax... You are stressing yourself too much... Take this tablet... RJ gave me a tablet and I took it immediately to reduce my headache.

Tomorrow afternoon I have booked an appointment for you with Dr. Pragathi... RJ informed.

Why??? I asked.

Just for a regular checkup... Take care...

RJ left and followed by everyone else too except Maa and Bela.

Don't worry so much Mahir... Maa patted my cheeks and left.

I looked at Bela who was discretely glancing at me.


Bela's POV

Who is this Dr. Pragathi??? Maa asked the question I was about to ask.

She is a Psychiatrist... RJ said.

Psychiatrist??? Why??? Dad questioned.

Mahir is bothered by something a lot... He isn't even sharing it with anyone... But he himself is suffering because of it... He shouldn't take so much stress... Maybe talking to the Psychiatrist shall help... RJ explained.

I remember how I had gone to Mahir Ji's room to call him for lunch, only to find him unconsciously lying on the floor.

He is fine right??? Maa asked.

As of now yes... Make sure he doesn't stress his brain much...

I don't know why, but right now I was feeling to tell Mahir Ji the complete truth.

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