Chapter 25

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Bela's POV

Vish just left the room as Yuvi called her to talk something important. By now I was well aware of the things going between these two. But I couldn't get enough time to have a word with Vish about it.

Come in... I said loudly as I heard a knock on the door.

To my disbelief it was Ruhi who walked in the room.

Hiii Bela... You are looking beautiful... She complimented me.

I just stared at her shocked as she never spoke to me properly and now she is complimenting me.

I need to tell you something... I don't know if you will believe me or not... But... She spoke hesitantly.

What is it Ruhi??? I asked irritated as well as curious.

Dad's death wasn't a natural death... He was murdered... Dad didn't die because of heart attack... He died because he wasn't taken to the Hospital immediately...

I clutched the chair to support myself. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Ruhi... Are... You... Sure... I stammered not able to talk properly.

I have been investigating from the past 5 months Bela... She stated.

She then opened a file and forwarded it to me. I checked it. It was proof of some illegal businesses. The Boss was someone named MS.

Dad had got to know about MS real identity and his illegal businesses... MS blackmailed Dad to not to reveal about him... But Dad disagreed... He instantly tried to contact you Bela... MS lost it and he broke Dad's phone and throttled him...

But you told Dad had a heart attack??? I managed to ask.

MS didn't kill Dad by throttling him... Because he didn't wanted to take risk... He was in our home... Me and Mom were at home too... The panic and short of breath got Dad to have a heart attack... MS then left him to die and he told us not to disturb Dad as he in a video conference... So we didn't bother to go into his study for an hour... After an hour when Mom went she saw Dad was dead... Ruhi sobbed.

Who is MS??? I was outraged. All I could was to kill that person who killed my Dad.

Mahir Sehgal!!! I felt my heart beat stop as I heard Ruhi.

I know you wouldn't believe me... But I have proofs... She showed some more proofs on her phone.

I slumped down on the bed and sobbed after I saw the proofs.

One more thing Bela... Ruhi added.

Mahir remembers everything... I'm not sure when he regained his memory... But he did... He knows everything now...

Lie... My Love lied to me... He is my Father's murderer... I cried and cried until I was called for, determined to confront Mahir I stood up.

Bela... Nooo... He is too powerful... These proofs aren't enough... We need more... Ruhi explained.

So what should I do now??? I asked clueless.

Just as he wants it... Continue the same... She told.

I am no way gonna marry him... All I want is a Divorce... I hate him... I wiped my tears and walked out of the room.

For a moment looking into Mahir's eyes I felt he wouldn't ever do something like that. But then I remembered about the proofs I saw. I was talking to him when I felt everything blank out.

When I regained consciousness I was in my room. Ruhi suggested me to go home with her, in normal circumstances I would have declined without a further thought but today I accepted.


Ruhi's POV

Just as we expected Bela declined to remarry Mahir... She even hates him... Obviously she would... After all I used a trump card... Now the only hindrance left out is the Baby... I smirked and mixed the abortion pills in Bela's hot chocolate.

I went to her room but only spotted Vish there. I gave her coffee and she looked at me suspiciously. But then she drank the coffee in which I had added a few sleeping pills.

Later I went into Bela's other room which actually was the room where Dad and her Mother used to live.

Bela... Relax... Now drink this... For your Baby... I faked a worried look and gave her the hot chocolate.

Thank you Ruhi... She took the glass and thanked me.

Poor girl is actually unaware of my intentions... I walked out of the room.

In a few minutes I need to come back after I hear you scream in pain... I closed the door and walked to my room.


Bela's POV

Papa??? I whined as my books were being closed.

Enough Bela... Look at the time... It's 1am and you need to wake up at 7am for your tuitions... Papa told as he pulled my chair back and held my shoulders, making me stand up.

My exams starts in a month... I stated.

That's what I was gonna tell you... You still have so so so much time... Papa said.

Papa... I'm...

Hungry... I know... When I saw your room light on only I knew this would happen so I already kept milk for boil... Now you just sit and relax I'll get your hot chocolate... Papa completed my sentence knowing me very well.

He later returned with my hot chocolate and his coffee and we both spoke for a while before I slept while talking only.

Papa??? More tears rolled out of my eyes.

I miss you both so much... I spoke looking at my parents photo.

I can't believe that the Father of my Baby is my Father's Murderer... Somewhere deep down in my heart, I felt Mahir is innocent. But my mind over ruled my heart every time I thought so.

All of sudden I felt some moments inside my belly and then the Baby kicked.

Hmmm... I know my Baby is hungry... Ok... I'll drink something for you at least... I went to washroom and washed my tear stricken face.

Later I sat down on the swing in the balcony and picked up my hot chocolate, which was actually no more hot. But I decided to have it anyway.


So the reason is revealed as to why Bela asked for Divorce.
difaxxps Guessed it absolutely correct.

But still there is threat on BeHir's Baby.
What do you think will happen next???

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