Chapter 16

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Mahir's POV



This was seriously a very pleasant surprise. The Doctor who I wasn't interested in meeting is my school friend.

We were engrossed in our chatting but the Nurse interrupted our talk.

Doctor... The patient's friend wants to join him... The Nurse words got a wide smile on my face.


Please Prags... I pleaded as Pragati was surely gonna decline.

I need to have a talk with you... Only with you... Pragati tried to explain.

She knows everything... Please... Soon she agreed unwillingly.

The Nurse went out to call Bela but then returned after a few minutes alone.

Where's Bela??? I asked with a frown.

I don't know... She was just outside the when I came in but now she's nowhere... I immediately walked out to search for Bela.

I looked through the corridor and she wasn't there. I called her but she didn't receive the call. Then I called Kuhu. She was with RJ.

When she came even she was clueless about Bela's whereabouts.

Kuhu called Vish thinking she might know anything. But she didn't know too.

What's wrong??? Pragati asked.

Someone wants to separate us and can harm me for it then wouldn't that person harm Bela??? I wanted to voice my thoughts but I didn't.

I didn't know where to search for Bela. I was frustrated.

15 More minutes passed. Nothing changed. Bela didn't call neither was she picking our calls.

Hello... What??? When??? Hmmm ok... Kuhu spoke on the phone.

Bhai... Bela just reached home... She announced.

I sighed in relief but frowned too.

Why did she leave suddenly??? Why didn't she answer my calls???

Against Kuhu and Pragati's order, I decided to head back home.

I needed to know what happened, just yesterday everything between us got sorted and I don't want anymore problems.


Bela's POV

I felt so stupid thinking about my act. I just over reacted.

I was thinking about calling Mahir Ji as I sat down in the lawn.

BeHir FF : It's Complicated (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now