Chapter 26

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Mahir's POV

I was waiting for Yuvi to open the back door from the past 10 minutes. According to Yuvi's plan, he is currently talking to Ruhi and in a while he would come and open the back door and again engage Ruhi in his talk.

Bela Bhabhi is in her parents room... Go left from her room and it's the first room to the right... Yuvi spoke as he opened the door.

I silently and secretly made my way to the room. Thankfully the door wasn't locked.

I entered the room but Bela wasn't present there, scanning the room I found Bela sitting in the balcony swing with a glass in her hand.

Just as she was about to take a sip from it, I quickly made my way to her and pushed the glass away. The glass hit the floor and broke down with it's sound echoing in the night's silence.

Ahhh!!! Bela to screamed due to my sudden action.

She had her eyes closed and after a few seconds she closely opened them and looked at the floor then at me.

Her eyes widened in shock and tears welled up in her eyes but in a fraction it was converted into hate.

I heard a knock an the door and looked at Bela.

Bela... Open the door... But please don't let them know I'm here... Please Bela... I pleaded.

Bela carefully... I said as the glass pieces were scattered on the floor.

Bela are you fine??? I heard you scream... Ruhi asked as she was confused.

I enjoyed her expression. She expected Bela to be screaming in pain due to the pills she gave. But finding Bela perfectly fine didn't go well with her.

It's just that the glass slipped from my hands... Bela told indicating towards the broken glass.

Oh ok... By the way, didn't you even drink a bit of it??? Ruhi asked disappointed.

No... Bela replied.

Shall I get you another one??? Ruhi asked sweetly.

No thank you Ruhi... I'll make one of I need it... Bela thankfully declined.

Good night Bela... Ruhi left and Bela closed the door.

Lock it too... I added.

She glared at me but still locked it. I don't know what Ruhi told her. But I know somewhere she still trusts me a bit. I just need to gain back that trust completely.

I slowly covered the distance between us and stood in front of Bela. I hesitantly cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

Her eyes were tightly shut and a few tears rolled out of them. Her lips were quivering and her forehead had sweat beads. She then opened her eyes and met mine.

We shared a brief eye contact and I hoped she could read my eyes as always.

After a few minutes I just pulled her into my chest and hugged her tightly. Firstly she stiffened and did hug me back but after a few seconds she sobbing hugged me.

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