Chapter 17

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Mahir's POV


Bela stopped her work of arranging her clothes in the cupboard and looked at me confused.

Why did you frown on listening that Shaan will come home tomorrow??? I asked.

She was quite for a minute. She looked at me, I held a very serious expression, which told I just need to know the truth.

Later she came and sat next to me on the bed, resting her head on my chest and kissed on my heart, making it stop for a second.

I knew she was doing it to melt me but I needed an answer. Shaan seems to be weird and problematic. I need to be sure about him before signing the deal.

She looked at me with her cute puppy face, for which it was difficult not to give in.

Seeing my super serious expression, she gave up.

There are three reasons why I don't like him... Bela said with her dislike evident clearly.

Three reasons... That's a lot... I really don't think of signing the deal anymore... I decided but was quite to listen to the reasons.

Firstly because the last time he had come home to discuss about the project, he was flirting with me...

Oh I really need to make sure Bela doesn't come in front of him tomorrow... I thought.

Secondly cause I didn't like the way he danced with me...

Bela explained how we had gone to a party hosted by Shaan. He had asked her for a dance and she declined it. But then found me dancing with Ruhi and she agreed to dance with Shaan. During that dance, she felt uncomfortable with the way Shaan danced closely with her.

I think I need to cancel the meeting... I am sure I wouldn't be able to handle my anger once I see him now... I thought.

Thirdly because... He was... Bela began to stammer.

I even felt my shirt getting wet.

She was crying.

Bela... Stop crying... What happened??? Tell me... You are scaring me now... I patted her back and kissed her forehead, trying to calm her down.

He was the reason you met with the accident that day... She finally spoke after a while.

I was shocked listening to it.

He is the one who wants to kill me... But why??? I thought.

No Mahir Ji... I didn't mean it... Bela said.

Maybe I voiced my thoughts this time.

Then what did you actually mean to say Bela??? I asked.


Bela's POV

The day you met with the accident... Actually that day we were going on Date and you told me that you want to say something important to me about us...

Remembering that wrecked day made my eyes misty again. Mahir Ji hugged me more tightly and kissed my forehead as he understood what I was going through.

An hour before we were supposed to leave, you got a call from one of our business associate's claiming some problem in the contract...

So you went to the office even though it was a Sunday and you cancelled our Date...

I had a nagging feeling in me when you told you had to leave, I even asked you not to go... But you didn't listen to me...

I looked at him, still in his arms. Only to find him frowning.

Oh no... I'm so sorry... Please not stress... I shouldn't had spoken so much... I realised how I got carried away and spoke a lot more than necessary.

Relax... I'm not stressing... He tried to assure me.



I just thought to tell him briefly.

Shaan was the one who had called you to the office... So indirectly he is the reason for your accident... I explained.

I saw Mahir Ji lost in his thoughts.

Mahir Ji??? I called him.

He looked at me and smiled, telling that he's fine.

What are you thinking??? I asked.

I'm thinking of cancelling tomorrow's meeting with Shaan... Maybe even the deal... He said.

Hmmm... No need... Tomorrow I'll go out for shopping with Vish... So you continue with your meeting... Later think about the deal... I suggested.

Nice idea... Gladly he agreed to it.

Against my wish of completely arranging my clothes, he caged me in his arms and forced me to sleep.

Due to the medication and the solace I found in his arms, I felt sleepy and keeping my OCD aside, I let sleep engulf me.


Vish's POV

By the way Madam, it was you who told me that you would have been glad to be in my place when I was getting married to Yuvi...

Oh God!!! Why isn't Bela changing the topic???

I was trying to get her talk about something else, but she was stubborn. She wanted to know why I don't flirt with Yuvi.

How am I supposed to tell her about that awkward incident???

I just told that to make you jealous... That's all... I said and it was the truth.

I don't flirt with him because I don't like him... I lied and hoped she would believe it.

That means you like Mahir Ji??? Bela asked me.

Oh no... I didn't mean that... I defended.

But you told...

I stuffed the sandwich in her mouth to shut her.

I flirt with Mahir Jiju to irritate you... I explained.

Hmmm... She said as she continued to eat.

I too ate, but unknowingly I started to think about that incident.

I really liked Yuvi but he didn't seem to be interested in me.

I stopped thinking about him and ate my lunch. After which we again resumed our shopping.

Today, Bela herself got me to shopping. I'm shocked about it because she hates shopping.

But she stated she needed new clothes as the old ones wouldn't fit her anymore.

So after breakfast we left for shopping and yet our shopping isn't over.


What awkward incident is Vish thinking about???
Will BeHir get to know about Shaan's true intentions before it's too late???

The next update can be posted in December only.

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