Chapter 27

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Bela's POV

I'm such a fool... How could I believe that Mahir Ji could really do something like that??? I shouldn't had believed Ruhi's words... I'm so sorry Mahir Ji...

I picked my phone and send an apology message to Mahir Ji. In return he called me and scolded me for apologising.

I asked about his plan for tomorrow, but he didn't say anything. He just told me that he'll make Ruhi pay for what she did.

I did miss sleeping in his arms, but knowing that tomorrow morning I can meet I slept due to the medication drowsiness.

I woke up in the morning by Vish's screams.

Bela what is all this??? I unwillingly opened my eyes and saw Vish indicating towards the bags.

It's eatables Vish... Eat it and please let me sleep... I pulled the duvet closer to me.

Oh and please don't go out of the room or open the door for Ruhi or Aunty... I informed her and again slept.

Bela... Wake up... Again after a while Vish began to disturb my sleep.

I am sure you'll pay for this Vishaka... I yelled at her.

Mahir Jiju's call... She hesitantly forwarded my phone.

Who calls this early in the morning Mahir??? I was hell annoyed and angry for disturbing my sleep.

I was missing you Bela... I heard him say and it got a smile on my face.

When are you coming here Mahir Ji??? I asked.

I'll be there in an hour... Be ready for the drama... I chuckled thinking what could be going on in his brain.

Ok bye... See you soon... Love you... I couldn't wait to go back to Mahir Ji.

Love you too... Bye... I kissed the phone.

Bela this is cheating... Why are you giving my kiss to your stupid phone??? He whined. I could imagine that cute anger pout on his face now.

When I meet you I'll give it to you also... I said.

I ended the call and saw Vish looking at me gaping.

What was that??? She asked shocked.

I smiled sheepishly and told her about Mahir coming here to meet me. Then I even told her about Ruhi.

And you believed??? Vish asked surprised.

The proof she showed was too realistic... I justified.

Yeah whatever... Vish rolled her eyes and resumed to eat the biscuits.

Time seemed to go so slowly. I mean I finished my bath, had a few chocolates and still it wasn't one hour since Mahir called me.

I thought of calling him but then stopped thinking he might be on the way. But then he himself called me to tell me about the plan.


Vish's POV

Why are you here again??? Ruhi asked Mahir as soon as she spotted him entering the house.

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