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Mahira's POV

Mahira is good girl right??? Mumma said as she tried to feed me my lunch.

Yes Mumma... But Mahira does not want to eat... I pushed away the plate.

Aren't you hungry Princess??? Come on now finish it... I wondered if she would get to know about me and my Sister finishing the chocolate cake kept in the fridge.

Nooo... I got down from the table and ran towards the couch.

Mahira you just ate a few spoons... Don't you need energy to ran around... Mumma sat next to me and again held the spoonful of rice near my mouth.

I pouted and turned my face to the opposite side.

What's wrong Bela??? I saw Chachi coming to us with my little Brother.

Princess Mahira isn't eating her food... Mumma complained.

Mahira has become a naughty girl... Chachi pulled my cheek.

Nooo... Mahira is a very good girl... I said.

Then you need to eat right??? Again eating, I can't eat my tummy is full.

Nooo... I said playing with my Brother. Even though he is Baby and can't play, he smiles at what I say and do.

See Vish... From the past half an hour I'm trying to feed her... Mumma again complained about me.

If it would have been her Dadda feeding her then Mahira would have finished it... Chachi said.

Yesss... I agreed because I could tell Dadda I ate cake and he would eat my food. But I can't to the same with Mumma, she'll scold me and that too from the past few months she gets angry very soon.

Oh yes... How could I forget it??? Mahira just loves her Dadda and shall listen to him only... Even Mahir just loves his kids and not me... Nobody loves me... Mumma began to cry badly.

I looked at Mumma and then at Chachi.

Bela it's not like that... Chachi told.

It is like that only Vish... Just in the morning, Mahir scolded me for not taking care of his Baby... Now Mahira made it clear that she wouldn't throw tantrums if it was her Dadda... I was scared but still I went near Mumma and wiped her tears.

Mahira loves you Mumma... I said and kissed her cheek.

But you love your Dadda more than me... I know it... Mumma didn't kiss me back and she seemed to be angry too.

Vish call Mahir and inform him about his Princess deeds... Mumma went away to her room.

Chachi did call Dadda and informed him about my doings. While I was playing with my Brother.

Mahira!!! Dhruv!!! I smiled at my Sister.

Did you eat lunch Nisha??? I asked her.

I had a little cake only so I ate my lunch... That means I ate more cake and so I could not eat lunch.

P.S. Nisha is Partham & Suhani's Daughter and Dhruv is Yuvi & Vish's Son. Mahira & Nisha are 5 years old and Dhruv is 5 months old.

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