Chapter 7

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Mahir's POV

As ordered by Maa and Kuhu, I had to actually forcefully make myself sleep after having lunch.

Mahir Ji...

Hmmm... Bela let me sleep...

Either she doesn't let me sleep and if I sleep she invades my dreams.

Mahir Ji...

This time she lightly jerked my arms.

The imaginary Bela doesn't touch me and when I try, it vanishes.

That only means...

I abruptly sat up on the bed, shocking Bela.

Bela??? Even I was shocked to find her in my room.

Mahir Ji... It's dinner time... So Maa told me to wake you up... She replied with a smile.

It was a genuine smile and couldn't believe it. I too smiled back.

It is then I process her words.

Dinner time???

I was the time and realised that I slept for 4 hours.

How am I gonna spend the night now??? I wondered.

With me Mahir Ji...

I snapped my head towards her. My eyes were wide open and my mouth too.

I... Meant... That... We... Can... Talk... She stammered as she spoke.

Maybe she understood what I thought.

I'm sorry...

Bela just smiled and walked out of the room.

What a one track mind Mahir??? I scolded myself.

Once again, I received a shock as the Bela who lately had been quite, actually spoke to me through out the dinner.

Is it a good sign or not??? What should I think of this as???

I was confused by Bela's behaviour shall be an understatement.

I and Bela sat down in the garden talking. Well it was some causal talks. Even though I tried to talk about Yuvi and her, she wouldn't say anything about it.

I was in fact glad to see Bela back to her old self. Talking nonstop with her animated expressions. I tried to suppress a yawn but Bela saw me doing it.

Mahir Ji... Let's sleep...

My sleep flew away as I heard her. But this time I didn't let her know about my dirty thoughts.

Yeah sure... I smiled.

Good night Bela/Mahir Ji... We said together and chuckled.

Oh no...

I was about to sleep when I felt thirsty. But the water jug was empty.

The password is so difficult to guess... I tried a lot though... I heard Adi speaking with someone.

Who is Adi talking to???

What password???

As I walked towards Adi, I saw a shadow of a girl walking away.

Even Adi went towards his room.

I was confused, who was Adi talking to.

I saw the direction in which the girl went.

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