Chapter 29

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Mahir's POV

Hello Ruhi!!!

Yes I'm fine...

I actually need your help...

I want to make Mahir Ji jealous...

So can you please get one of your male friend to act as my childhood best friend???

Even though I was against this plan, but I had to agree with it because I seriously wanted to get this over soon.

Bhai relax... We'll be keeping on eye on Shaan all the time... Adi assured me.

Soon Bela finished her call with Ruhi and she sat next to me. Seeing me frowning she side hugged me tightly.

Mahir Ji... It's just an act... That too only for a few days... I had to agree it was just matter of 4 days if our plan worked out.

You wouldn't meet that jerk... Just talk to him on phone... I ordered.

Awww!!! Someone really is jealous... Vish teased me but I was in no mood for it.

Vish just shut up please... I might have sounded rude but I was hell annoyed.

Mahir Ji!!! Bela reprimanded.

Sorry Vish... I apologised.

It's ok Jiju... Vish giggled.

Oh by the way Vish, I just called Ajitabh to inform him about the latest developments... I was ready to tell it on call but he insisted to come here only... Maybe he is eager to meet someone here... I said with a teasing smirk.

But to my surprise, Vish shut her eyes tightly and face palmed instead of blushing. I turned to ask Bela about it, only to find her controlling her laughter and she was looking at Adi. Adi on the other hand was actually laughing with his hand on his mouth. Confused by these 3 reaction, I glanced at Yuvi who was furiously typing something on his phone.

What the hell is happening here??? I questioned.

None answered me but now Bela and Adi are laughing to their hearts content. Yuvi looked all the more irritated and he was also glaring at Adi. Vish was staring at Yuvi.

Wait what??? Vish is staring at Yuvi... Vish and Yuvi??? I keenly observed these two and that's when I realised what's actually going on.

Yuvi was clearly jealous seeing Ajitabh flirt with Vish. But I didn't understand why Yuvi is silent still and also why Vish agreed to go on a Date with Ajitabh.

Just as Ajitabh was about to leave, Ruhi called Bela to inform that her friend Shaan is ready to help her.

The very next moment, Ruhi ended the call, Shaan called Bela.

I can't believe that this is happening. I mean seriously, my Wife is openly flirting with her obsessed lover in front of me.

My blood was boiling listening to it but I had to control myself.

Bela ended the call, but after a good 15 minutes talk. After which all the 4 left to execute the next step of the plan.

Bela locked the door and then she came near me. I know I am just over reacting but I couldn't help it. Seeing me quite, she also didn't speak a word and silently made herself comfortable on my lap.

Without asking or saying anything further she sealed our lips and kissed me. I too gladly responded to the kiss.

Mahir Ji... Relax... It's just an act... Bela spoke after breaking the kiss.

Hmmm... I know... But I just can not see you flirting with anyone... I whined.

She just giggled and kissed my nose.


Bela's POV

I never imagined it in my dreams that I would flirt with some other man other than my Husband, that too in front of my Husband only.

I clearly can understand what Mahir Ji is going through, because just the thought that even he needs to flirt with Ruhi is giving me goosebumps.

Relax Madam!!! Mahir Ji nuzzled in my neck and kissed there.

I'm only yours just like you are only mine... I stated.

Oh yes... He then kissed all over my face.

Afterwards he claimed my lips and kissed me again.

Bela what's going on between Vish and Yuvi??? He asked after he broke apart from the kiss.

I chuckled realising that he finally understood it. I then told whatever Vish had told me.

Oh but why is Yuvi ignoring his feelings when it's so obvious??? He too seemed have noticed it.

I don't know... But once this is solved... We need to find out about it... I said and he agreed too.


Shaan's POV

I was cursing my morning as I got to know about Bela returning back to Mahir.

But seems like today isn't such a bad day. Bela actually went back with Mahir for revenge. It seems like her Father was very dear to her.

Just after I finished by breakfast Ruhi called me, who told me about Bela's plan. I don't know why but I feel something fishy in all this.

But soon enough my doubts were cleared when Bela actually flirted with me. The girl who loves her husband so much actually flirted with me. This is want I wanted always. But I had to wait until Bela finished her studies because her Dad didn't wanted to get her married before she finished her studies.

But after she finished her studies, Bela rejected his proposal claiming she needs to make a career first. But then she accepted Yuvi's proposal because of her Father's illness.

I managed move Yuvi away but then his Brother became an hindrance for me. Firstly I thought Bela wouldn't be happy with Mahir.

But within a month of their marriage they got intimate. The moment I got to know this I wanted to kill Mahir. But I stopped myself due to my plans with Ruhi.

When again I saw the together, I couldn't hold on anymore and planned to kill Mahir.

Finally now after so many plans being flopped, some of our plans succeed and now Bela hates Mahir. Soon I'll make sure she divorces him and marries me.


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