Chapter 23

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Mahir's POV

Coffee??? When I walked out of the washroom I spotted Bela having her coffee. She asked me if I needed a cup of coffee.

I sat down next to her and sipped coffee from her cup only. She smiled and snuggled closers to me blushing as I was shirtless. I smirked seeing the effect I had on her.

Bela??? I called her out.

Hmmm... Bela hummed sipping her coffee.

I was thinking about marrying again... I let out my thoughts.

WTH Mahir!!! What's wrong with you??? How could you think so??? I expected Bela to be happy and excited but here she was angry and disgusted with my idea.

The very next moment Bela burst out crying and she seemed not in a mood to stop crying.

Bela!!! Why are you crying??? I asked after my failed attempts in stopping her cries.

Who is she??? Bela asked me a question in return.

Who??? I was confused.

The one you want to marry??? Bela said with hatred.

Now I understood what the problem was, I hadn't put forward my idea correctly.

Offo Baby!!! Do you really think that I would marry someone else than you??? Never ever never... It's just you... I pecked nose which was completely red by her anger and crying.

I'm sorry... I concluded...

Shhh... It's fine... I wiped her tears and hugged her.

But Mahir Ji??? I chuckled making Bela stop.

She pouted and narrowed her eyes at me.

In your anger you just called me Mahir... I stated.

Just like that night... I added with a wink.

Mahir Ji!!! She smacked my chest.

By the way, what were saying??? I asked.

Mahir I think we should wait for a while... I mean until everything is sorted out... Bela said.

I had to agree with her, she had a point. I didn't think about it all.

I'm sorry... It just slipped out of mind... Actually I don't remember anything about our wedding and in fact we didn't perform any other wedding rituals know... So I just thought why not we marry again with all the pre-wedding rituals... My disappointment clearly evident in my voice and expression even though I tried my best to cover it up.

Maybe we shouldn't hold back our lives because of them... Bela spoke hesitantly after a minute.

After an hour more of our discussion about this matter, we finally agreed to marry each other again that too as soon as possible.

I was literally so excited as I had no memory of my previous marriage.

In my excitement I actually was at the door to go downstairs without a shirt. If it wouldn't have been for Bela who stopped me.

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