Chapter 11

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Mahir's POV

It's just been two days since I am held house arrested and it is damn frustrating. Mostly because now Bela is no more talking to me.
Well she does talk a bit. But only to ask me about my health or for asking me to eat something.

In all this I should at least be glad that I am allowed to work from home.

Today for some reason Adi looked too tensed and he was at home only.

I knew it was something related to Yuvi only. I actually wouldn't be too surprised if Yuvi walks in through the door right now.

Mahir Bhai!!! An ecstatic Pratham screamed.

All of them came to the hall hearing Pratham.

What happened??? I asked.

We got the NY deal... Dad said as he entered into the hall.

Wow!!! That's so nice... I was happy.

All because of you Bhai... It was your presentation... After all they had accept it... Pratham added.

True... Sehgal Industry is flourish only because of Mahir... Dad praised.

Oh come on Dad... It is because of you not me... You started it...

I might have started it and was successful too but you made it double successful Mahir...

Dad... Leave it now... Let's celebrate, we got the deal which we wanted to...

I said wanting to change the topic.

Yeah... Nice idea Bhai... Kuhu agreed.

How about a party tomorrow??? Dad asked and all agreed.

So it's finalised... Tomorrow evening is the part... Pratham call our business associate and a few close friends and relatives for the party... Dad planned.

Sure I...

Oh so sweet of you all... You are arranging a part for my return...

Interrupting Pratham, a voice spoke from the entrance.

I didn't turn around to know who it was.

Yuvraj Sehgal is back.

I looked at everyone and each held a different expression from what I had expected.

I expected everyone to be angry but all were worried.

For what??? Maybe for Bela??? I guessed.

Hi Mahir Bhai... How are you doing??? Yuvi asked and hugged me.

I'm fine...

Hello everyone...

None spoke. It was completely silent as if there was no one, but there were 10 of us in the hall.

I saw Adi and Yuvi talk in signs.

Oh even Bela is here... Yuvi asked surprise.

What does he mean??? Why is he surprised???

Maa... I'm going to my room, I am feeling tired... Bela excused herself and went to her room, followed by Vish and Kuhu.

Soon one by one everyone went back to their room.

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