Chapter 3

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     I was laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Glancing outside the window of my apartment, I noticed how bright it was. It was a beautiful day, but my mood was anything but pleasant. With Kyle constantly on my mind, leaving me worried and scared for how my mission would turn out, I felt stressed and I pulled out my phone, wanting to call Will to hang out. Will was my rock when things got tough and I realized I needed him.

     But when I opened my phone, I grew surprised when I saw that I had a text from the SSI saying that Kyle was spotted near a high school and they were worried he might be dealing drugs to the students. They told me to go there as soon as possible and throwing myself out of bed, I threw on leggings and a white tank top and sprinted onto the busy streets to get to where Kyle was.


     Panting, I slowed to a walk when I spotted Kyle meters away. He was walking briskly, his posture rigid and straight, but that wasn't what caught my attention. To my utter surprise, Kyle was walking a golden retriever and despite everything, I grew excited and ran at him, unable to believe he owned a dog.

     "You have a dog!" I shouted when I reached him.

     Kyle jumped and whirled around, and his dog barked. But, I ignored their reactions and fell to my knees and began to pet the dog, laughing as the dog began to wag it's tail and pant. It then began to lick my face and I laughed lightly as I ran my fingers through it's soft fur.

     I hardly remembered Kyle was there until the dog looked to him with the happiest look I'd ever seen a dog wear and I looked up at Kyle, smiling. But, my smile fell when I saw the look Kyle was wearing as he stared down at me. It was an intense look, his eyes shimmering and bright, and it left me gulping because no one had ever looked at me like that.

     "Hey," I said, breaking him out of his thoughts. "Sorry, your dog is so cute. What's his or her name?"

     "Jace," Kyle said. "Are you stalking me?"

     "No!" I blushed furiously, embarrassed. "I swear I'm not."

     Jace licked my face and I giggled and began to pet him again. His tail wagged vigorously and he panted with joy, which left me laughing to myself. I had an obsession with dogs and I wished I had the time to own one.

     "Who are you?" Kyle asked, bringing my attention back to him. "Why do you keep approaching me?"

     Standing up, I realized it was time for me to start working on my mission instead of playing with a dog. My heart ached as Jace grew disappointed, but to be a spy you had to be serious. You had to always put your mission first before anything, even your own feelings and morals, which was why I stared at Kyle, my face expressionless.

     "I'm new here and I'm just looking for some company," I said. "And I... I was hoping maybe you could be my company. Maybe even show me around."

     "I don't want to be your company," Kyle said, leaving me blushing once again. "I told you, I don't want anyone's company but my own."

     "You hung out with your brother the other day."

     "Yeah, because he's my brother. I don't even know you and I know you don't want to know me either."

     "I do want to know you."

     I gave Kyle a look that told him that I was confident and determined to pursue a friendship with him. I wasn't joking or playing or anything; I was serious. And to my surprise, Kyle sighed tiredly, seeming tired of me.

     "On Sunday, you're going to take me out to lunch," I said. "And then we'll go explore the city and you'll show me around."

     "And what makes you think I'll do that?" Kyle asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

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