Chapter 13

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     I was walking through the SSI headquarters, praying I'd cross paths with Will. I knew I shouldn't be searching for him and I knew he needed space, but I couldn't help it. Will was always on my mind and I wanted to make things right.

     Soon, I spotted Will across a hallway and I sprinted towards him, feeling my heart pound against my chest. It had been a week since I'd seen him and my heart began to pour with joy, knowing I missed him. I needed him and all I wanted was his forgiveness.

     "Will!" I exclaimed.

     Will froze momentarily and he then began to walk away. I ran faster, knowing I couldn't let him go.

     "Will!" I shouted. "Please, just talk to me. Don't ignore me."

     Will hesitated before he slowed to a stop. He was still facing the other way, so I ran in front of him and whirled to face him, my body shuddering with nerves. As I stared at Will, all I could notice was the pain on his face.

     "Why are you letting this ruin our friendship?" I asked. "I know I hurt you, but I never meant to. It's not my fault I don't feel the same way as you."

     Will clenched his jaw and I stared at him, wondering what he'd do. All I wanted was for him to forgive me, but I doubted he would when his eyes were burning with rage.

     "I'm not mad," Will said. "I just need space."

     "But I miss you," I said. "I need you. I feel so alone since you cut me off."

     "I highly doubt that when you have your new boyfriend to keep you company."

      I blinked, confused. "New boyfriend?"

     "Kyle? There's video evidence of you and him cuddling in the park. You could have told me you're taken. I think I'd be less hurt by you already having someone than you rejecting me just for the sake of it. But I can't lie, I'm disappointed that you fell for a guy like him."

     Stunned, I stared at Will for a moment mortified. As I thought back to the day Kyle comforted me, my heart tugged at the memory, but I felt embarrassed at the thought of the SSI knowing that occurred. It wasn't what it looked like, but I didn't know how I'd convince them of that.

     "Kyle was just comforting me," I said. "I was sobbing because I was upset about you ignoring me and Kyle was nice enough to hold me as I cried. We're not dating."

     Will flinched at my words and for a moment, he seemed both stunned and hurt by what I said. I stared at him, hoping my old friend would come back to his senses.

     "From the pictures it looked like he wasn't just comforting you," Will said, growing angry once again. "You're losing sight of the mission. I can tell you're falling for Kyle."

     "I'm not!" I exclaimed, frustrated with Will's constant accusations. "I can promise you that I'm not falling for Kyle. I'm just trying to fulfill my mission."

     "Kyle is a ruthless drug dealer and you're a spy. It will never work out Clarissa. Your job is to catch him and put him behind bars and you guys will never get to be together. Get that through your thick skull."

     I stared at Will horrified once again, unable to believe his words. But not because of his insult, but because once again I was thrown into the truth of what would happen to Kyle. As I thought about the man who held me as I sobbed, who told me I had him in my life always, I felt my heart sink as I remembered my job was to get him locked up.

     "You need to get over him," Will said. "Get him locked up or be prepared to lose your job."

     "You can't be serious," I whispered, still in shock. "Are you threatening me?"

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