Chapter 26

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     I could tell Kyle was still upset with me, but the both of us pretended our argument never happened. As we sat at our dining table eating spaghetti, I told Kyle how I planned on getting a dog. Jace had inspired me to get one and Kyle smiled, but he looked wistful as he grew deep in thought.

     "I wonder what Jace is up to," Kyle said. "I'm always thinking abut him and my family. I wonder what they're up to."

     "Have you been in contact with them recently?" I asked.

     "No, I'm scared to call them. I don't know why, but I know they'll beg for me to come home and I'll give in. For them, I'd do anything to make them happy."

     "I understand."

     I sighed and fought the urge to tell Kyle that he needed to give himself in if he ever wanted to see his family again. I spent all night tossing and turning, wondering if I made a mistake, but I knew what I said was true. Kyle giving himself in was our only solution.

     But staring at Kyle and seeing how tired he looked, I knew he wasn't up for another argument. And the truth was, neither was I. After finally winning Kyle back, I didn't want to lose him again.

     "I hope the SSI give up on me one day," Kyle said, looking to me with sad eyes. "Maybe one day they'll realize they have better convicts to worry about."

     "Maybe," I said. "I hope that happens."

     Kyle gave me a small, sad smile, and my heart went out for him. Although I was with him, I knew I wasn't in the same boat because I wan't who the SSI was after. That was why I understood Kyle's reluctance to give himself in.

     "No matter what happens, I hope you're happy," I said. "I'll always be here at your side though. You can count on that."

     Kyle's eyes softened, but after a mere second they grew wide. He was staring out the window looking horrified and I turned to see what he saw, even though I knew what to expect. Through the window there were dozens of black SUVs. They littered the street and my jaw dropped as I realized they had us cornered. It seemed like all of SSI was here because the entire street was filled with SUVs.

     "Shit," Kyle said. "Shit. They called for backups. They cornered us."

     "We have to get out of here," I said, getting up.

     I ran to grab my stuff and Kyle did the same. After hastily grabbing all of our belongings, we then ran outside and into the parking lot. But once at the parking lot, we slowed down our pace and I gasped when I noticed the SUVs were also in the parking lot. Kyle grabbed my arm and I felt him tremble.

     "How the hell did they know we're here?" Kyle said, freezing. "They came prepared. There's way too many of them."

     "I don't know," I said, looking to Kyle. He was trembling, looking stricken at the sight of dozens of SUVs littering the parking lot. "But we have to get to our car. We have to make a run for it."

     Kyle nodded numbly and the both of began to sprint. Kyle was still holding onto my arm and because he was so stricken, I found myself dragging him forward. But as we ran, the SUVs began to follow us.

     I gasped when a SUV drifted in front of us and I whirled to run in the other direction, but then another SUV blocked my path. Annoyed, I jumped and slid over the hood of the SUV and Kyle followed suit, and we began to sprint faster towards our car.

     But, all of the sudden I heard a gun go off and a bullet whizzed passed me, and I gasped. Freezing, I whirled around, unable to believe I was shot at. I stared at the man who had his head poking out of the window, glaring at me, as he held his gun still pointed at me.

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