Chapter 24

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     Kyle and I were sitting on the floor facing each other. In both our hands were cards and I glanced at Kyle, waiting for him to make his next movie in president. His eyebrows were furrowed and I smiled at the sight of him. It had been a few days since our wild goose chase, and we'd been getting closer and closer. We weren't back together, but I was content with the friendship we had.

     "You're way too good at this game," Kyle said, throwing a two down. "You're good at everything."

     "I am," I said, laughing as I threw a joker on top of his two.

     Kyle groaned and I laughed. Most of the time, I won against Kyle and I could tell he was growing tired of losing. But, I couldn't help but thrive from our games.

     "This isn't so bad," Kyle commented, glancing at me. "I didn't think I'd feel an ounce of happiness being on the run."

     "Me neither," I said. "But hey, I guess when you're in good company, you can find happiness wherever you are."

     Kyle gave me a smile that melted my heart. Day by day Kyle's guard fell down. He no longer seemed scared or wary of me, and I thanked the world for allowing Kyle to give me another chance.

     "Maybe this life won't be so bad," Kyle said quietly. "Me and you... It wouldn't be so bad."

     "I guess," I said, just as quietly.

     It had been more than a week since we started running and I wondered about the future. I wondered if this was my new life, but for once I wasn't dreading it. With Kyle at my side and our ability to be happy together, I didn't mind running for the rest of our lives.

     Kyle and I continued to play for a bit in silence, and when I won Kyle groaned. I laughed lightly and smiled at him, and he simply smiled back. And for a moment, we just stared at each other, unable to help it.

     "Have you ever been in love?" Kyle asked.

     I blinked, caught off guard by the question. I immediately had an answer to it, but I hesitated before replying.

     "I have been in love before. Once," I said. "How about you?"

     "I was in love once before, too," Kyle said. "And... I think I'm still in love."

     My eyes widened and I stared at Kyle. Stunned, I didn't know what to say. Hope blossomed within my heart, but I scolded myself and told myself that this may be a sick joke. Maybe, Kyle was in love with someone else.

     "And who exactly are you in love with?" I asked.

     "You," Kyle said. "Always you, Clarissa."

     I was speechless. After weeks of begging Kyle, of sobbing because I lost him, I couldn't believe he was saying the words I wanted to hear. I couldn't believe he was telling me he still loved me. I was so speechless that all I could do was stare at Kyle with wide eyes.

     "You do?" I said, finally snapping out of it. "Really? You still do after everything."

     "You really hurt me when I found out you were a spy that was trying to arrest me. I never felt more betrayed by anyone when you did that," Kyle said. "I spent my entire life so afraid of getting hurt and then you hurt me, which is why I reacted the way I did. I know I seemed like I hated you and I kept pushing you away, but I always loved you. I never stopped. I was just so mad at myself for getting betrayed that I took it all out on you, but I'm sorry. I treated you so poorly."

     "No, I understand," I said. "It was understandable the way you behaved and anyone would have reacted the same. My jobs was twisted. My mission was to force you to fall for me so I can catch you, but I realized how messed up that was. That was cruel to do to anyone, even someone who's breaking the law, so I always understood your perspective. Honestly, I was never mad at you. I just wished you would see that I was still me, even though I was a spy. I wish you knew that I truly do love you and would never do anything to hurt you."

     Kyle's eyes softened as he stared at me and I stared back, feeling my heart race. I realized I'd been lying when I said I would be okay with us being just friends. Deep down, I wanted more. I wanted us to go back to the way we were before Will messed up everything.

     "I know, I still feel scared sometimes though," Kyle said. "But I'm teaching myself that life is about risks and this is a risk I want to take. And for you, I would do it over and over again. For you, Clarissa, I would risk everything just to be with you."

     I teared up and leaned forward and kissed Kyle gently. He immediately kissed me back just as gently, and I pulled away and hugged him. I couldn't believe it. Finally. Finally Kyle was saying the words I would have done anything to hear.

     "I would do the same for you," I said. "I would have done anything for you."

     "I know," Kyle said, kissing the top of my head. "You gave up your life for me. Your job, your home. I wish you hadn't, but you already gave up everything just to be wth me."

     I pulled away, wanting Kyle not to talk about sad things and I kissed him again. Once again, he immediately kissed me back and we began to make out and I held onto Kyle as if he was all I had. And maybe that was the truth, maybe Kyle was all I had and instead of being sad about that, I was happy. I felt so happy as I realized Kyle was mine again. I had won him back after weeks of sobbing, of being so miserable I didn't know what to do next.

     Kyle began to push me back then and I went to lie on the ground. Kyle was on top of me, using his arms to prop himself up as he kissed my jaw and neck, and I closed my eyes and smiled. I had missed being touched by Kyle. I had missed every ounce of him and I was glad he was finally back.

     I moved my hand to Kyle's buttoned top and began to unbutton his shirt and Kyle shivered. I opened my eyes to look at him and I took in how beautiful he was. His blue eyes were so vivid despite it being the middle of the night and and his face was sculpted by God. He was beautiful and I couldn't believe he was mine. After everything, I felt like I was dreaming as I stared up at him.

     "I love you so much, Kyle Rivers," I said.

    "I love you, too, Clarissa Hart," Kyle said, leaning forward to kiss me again.

     We made out and I held Kyle close as he pressed himself against me. We lay together and kissed and kissed, and suddenly I saw a flash of light. Usually I would have ignored it, but on the run there were things you had to wary of.

    "Wait," I told Kyle, pushing him away gently. "I saw a flash in the window. Let's see what it was."

     Kyle groaned, but he pulled himself away and sat up. I walked to the window and looked to the streets, and my heart dropped when I saw a few SUVs driving around the motel we stayed at. My heart sunk and immediately, I whirled to face Kyle.

     "We have to get out of here," I said. "They're here."

     Kyle's eyes widened, but I could see the exhaustion and annoyance written across him. But instead of saying anything, he ran to grab our stuff and we ran to the car immediately. I drove us and this time, the SUVs somehow missed us, but I still continued to drive like madman because the fear of them finding us was constantly on my mind.

     And as I drove, I thought about how this would be our life. I thought about how for the rest of our lives, we may be stuck running. And at one point I thought I'd be content with that, knowing Kyle was at my side, but with fear pounding through me and seeing Kyle look so panicked, I wasn't sure sure anymore. I wondered if even if Kyle was mine and I was happy to be with him, if we'd be happy knowing there would never be a day where we wouldn't be running.

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