Chapter 4

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     I laid in bed with my phone held above my face. I was waiting with my heart pounding, my palms sweaty, and my hope declining for Kyle to call me. It was Sunday and it was his move to tell me when we'd hang out, but it was already four o'clock and he hadn't called at all.

     Sighing to myself, I wondered what to do. I had been so confident that Kyle would call me that I didn't think of what I would do if he didn't. I spent the day getting ready and I had a face full of make up and I wore a floral summer dress, but I realized it would all go to waste. It was obvious Kyle wasn't going to contact me.

     I moved to put my phone down on my bed and take a nap, but to my utter surprise my phone began to ring. Unknown caller appeared on my screen and my heartbeat stopped for a mere second as I wondered if it was Kyle.

     Picking it up, I said, "Hello?"

     "Meet me at Jenkins, across from Victoria Park," Kyle said. "I'll see you there in half an hour."

     I opened my mouth to reply, but the phone call cut and I jumped out of my bed. Grinning to myself, I thanked the world for finally working in my favour.


     I pressed my purse against my stomach, feeling nervous as I walked towards Kyle. He was leaning against a lamppost, his body tense and rigid - as it usually was - and I found my heart racing at the mere sight of him. There was something so godly about him, something that left me mesmerized every time. And when Kyle's eyes flew to me, my heart stopped.

     Kyle pushed himself off the lamppost and he walked towards me with his hands shoved into his black dress pants. He was wearing a white button up shirt that hugged every muscle and curve, and I gulped. I couldn't believe I was nervous and I scolded myself for acting like a ditzy girl.

     "Hey," Kyle said, nodding when he saw me. "Sorry I'm late. I had... stuff to do."

     "No problem," I said, feeling my heart sink as I knew stuff meant selling drugs. "So, what's the plan?"

     "Jenkins and then I'll show you around." He smiled. "How does that sound?"

     I smiled. "Perfect."


     Kyle and I sat across from each other in the small restaurant. It was almost vacant other than another couple that sat in it and I realized that was why Kyle chose to come here. Kyle was a secret, rarely out and about, and I realized he had his ways to remain that way. Glancing at him, I wondered about him once again.

     Neither of us were speaking. We were both awkwardly eating away in silence, unsure of what to say. Usually I was full of conversation and the life of the party, but with Kyle so secretive and guarded, I felt like I had to walk on broken glass around him. I didn't know what he would be willing to talk about, so I just let us eat in silence for a bit. That was, until I remembered something.

     "I told you to bring Jace," I said, giving Kyle a disappointed look.

     "I can't bring my dog inside a restaurant," Kyle said. "Be reasonable."

     "The whole reason why I asked you to hang out was for Jace." I pouted. "And he's not even here."

     "Sure it was for Jace."

     Kyle peered up from his plate of paste, his eyebrows arching and I gulped. He wore a smug look, a look that left me knowing he knew his powers over woman and I rolled my eyes. It was my mission to throw myself at him. Otherwise, Kyle wouldn't have had my time of day at all.

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