Chapter 10

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     Will and I were walking swiftly to the meeting room at SSI. Once again we'd been called to a progress meeting and for once, I wasn't nervous. Knowing that Kyle and I had grown so much closer and there was progress being made, I looked forward to the meeting.

      "Are you ready?" Will asked, stopping in front of the massive doors leading to the meeting room.

     "For sure," I said, smiling.

     Will smiled and he pulled the door open and held it open for me. I stepped into the room and went to my usual seat, across from the five head members who sat at the other end. Will sat next to me and I smiled at everyone in the room, ready.

     "Hello, Clarissa," Steven said, nodding at Will and I. "How are you?"

     "Good," I said. "How are you?"

     "Good. Now, tell us about your progress with Kyle."

     I took in a deep breath and glanced at Will. He nodded encouragingly and I grew more confident.

     "My progress with Kyle is going well," I said. "Kyle and I spend a lot of time together. We're really close now."

     The head members glanced at each other, seeming equally surprised and impressed. I knew they had little faith in me, but I didn't let it get to me.

      "Really?" Steven said. "And why would you consider yourselves close? What does that entail?"

     Caught off guard by that question, I blurted out, "He's been to my place."

     All of the head member's eyes flew wide and they all stared at me, shocked. Even the notetakers pulled their eyes away from their notebooks to stare at me, equally as shocked. My face exploded with heat as I realized what that sounded like.

       "Just for dinner," I said. "He cooked for us and we just had a peaceful meal. That's all. We're friends."

     "Oh, okay..." Steven said, frowning. "Well, I'm glad progress is being made. You do seem close to Kyle."

     I couldn't help but blush harder, knowing everyone thought I meant something else. And when I looked to Will to see what he was thinking, I grew shocked when I saw the pained expression he wore. He was staring at me as if I were about to leave him and if it weren't for the audience, I would have questioned Will on what happened.

      "Yes, slowly but surely Kyle and I are getting closer and soon he'll be falling for me," I said. "And before we know it I'll figure out the truth and let you guys know. This mission will be closed in no time."

     "Wonderful," Steven said, nodding. "You've made us proud, Clarissa. Thank you for the hard work."

     My heart felt warm at Steven's kind words and I bowed my head to show my respects. Steven went on to give more details on future steps and what we'd do about Kyle and I listened attentively, but not without having Will's expression constantly on my mind. I wondered what that was about and hoped to find out once the meeting was over.

      "Well, that's all I wanted to talk about," Steven said. "That's it for today. Like Clarissa said, soon we'll have Kyle locked behind bars and we'll close this mission."

      At the mention of Kyle being behind bars, my heart stuttered. Even though I knew that was my mission and the end goal, I hadn't thought about it. I had just been focusing on getting Kyle to fall for me, but I never thought about what would happen to him. And at the very thought, I grew uneasy as I thought about Kyle and all of the memories we shared.

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