Chapter 5

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     Will and I were walking swiftly through the hallways of the headquarter of SSI. The hallways were empty, everyone had gone on their own missions, which left Will and I alone. We were heading to a meeting with the heads of our company and I grew nervous, knowing they would be asking about my progress with Kyle.

     "I think I scared him away," I said, panicked. "I don't know what I did. I swear we were having a good time, but he just told me we should never see each other again and ran off. I don't know if I was too forward, but-"

     "Clarissa," Will said softly, glancing at me. "You did nothing wrong. I don't know why Kyle pushed you away, but I have a feeling he might've been scared. He can't afford to get close to anyone and maybe he thought you had the potential to break down his walls."

     "Do you really think so?"

     Will nodded, his face serious. I bit my lip and thought about what he said, hoping it was true. For some reason it hurt so much to have Kyle drop me - it made me feel like I was the only one who enjoyed our day together, which was why I so desperately hoped Will was right.

     "What do you think I should do then?" I asked.

     "Call him," Will said. "Don't give up and show him you care."

     Will and I stopped in front of the large double doors that led to the meeting place. We turned to face each other, our expressions serious and confident, and I nodded. Will pushed the door open and held it for me, and I walked into the meeting room.

     In the meeting room was a long, round table where the heads sat at. There were five of them and there were a few other people who I realized were the notetakers, and they were all sitting at one end of the table. Behind them hanging on the wall was a large TV and on the screen was a picture of Kyle. When I looked at him, my heart stopped beating for a second.

     Gulping, I walked to one of the seats at the other end of the table, away from the heads, and sat down and Will sat next to me. He quickly put his hand on my head, seeming to understand how nervous I was. I shot him an appreciative look.

     "Hello Clarissa and Will," said Steven, the founder of SSI. "We gave Will the mission to catch Kyle, who we suspect is the one dealing marijuana to the citizens of Linhege, and Will gave Clarissa the task to make Kyle fall for her so he'll confess. How is the mission going, Clarissa?"

     I didn't respond immediately. My eyes stayed on Steven's cold blue eyes, realizing I had to lie. There was no way I could tell them that I was failing at the first ever mission I'd been given.

     "It's going amazing," I said. "Kyle and I are growing closer by the second. We actually went on a date recently."

     "Really?" Steven asked, surprised. "It's... working out?"

     I nodded and Will glanced at me, but I ignored the look he gave me. If I wanted them to take me seriously, I had to show them how competent I was.

     "I'm surprised," Steven said. I watched as the other heads murmured to each other, seeming just as surprised as he sounded. "I didn't think you would be able to do it. Kyle is such a guarded man who's always alone. I..."

     Steven stared at me, seeming unable to believe me. It hurt to know how little faith he had in me and I sulked in my chair, knowing no one believed in me.

     "Clarissa is an amazing spy," Will said. "She can accomplish anything she sets her mind to and she is someone everyone can't help but love. It isn't surprising that Kyle cares about her."

     Looking to Will, my eyes flew wide at his kind words. He gave me a smile that left me smiling widely, knowing that even if the heads didn't believe in me and Kyle didn't want me in his life, I at least had my best friend at my side.

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