Chapter 11

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     I was drowning in thoughts of Will. As I laid in bed with my phone held above me, I tried calling him again. The phone rang and rang, and as usual Will didn't pick up. And as usual, tears began to rush into my eyes.

     I had hoped somehow, Will wouldn't let this change anything between us, but I had been silly to think that. Will was in love with me and I broke his heart, and thus, we'd never be the same. And I hated myself for causing this, I hated how I couldn't just reciprocate his feelings, but I knew I didn't feel the same way. I never thought of Will as anything but family, and that had been our downfall.

     Suddenly, my phone began to ring and I grew excited that maybe, Will was calling me back. My heart rose with joy, but then I saw my parents' name on the screen and I broke into sobs. I threw my phone to the edge of my bed and sobbed and sobbed, realizing how alone I was. I had no one. No parents, not best friend, no one. I was all alone.

     Knowing I couldn't just coop myself in my room, I dragged myself out of bed and left my apartment. I went into my car, knowing I needed to get out and away to somewhere far just to breathe and let it out, which was why I drove to a park.

     And once I was at the park, I thought I'd be okay. I thought I could just go on a walk and let myself be free of my thoughts, but I ended up breaking down again. My entire body shuddered with sobs and I was trembling as I cried the pain out. I was so thankful the park was secluded at the early hours of the day because I was an embarrassing sight.

     Suddenly, I heard knocking on the passenger window. I jumped and whipped my head to look at who was there, and my jaw dropped when I saw Kyle. He waved at me, his eyes full of emotions.

     Hesitating, I rolled down the window and stared at him, unsure of what to say. I looked like a mess. It was obvious that I was crying and as Kyle stared at me, his expression turned to one of pain.

     "Can I come in?" Kyle asked.

     I nodded, my lip trembling. I was fighting back the tears that threatened to spill out, knowing I couldn't let Kyle see me so vulnerable. But, it was hard.

     Kyle slipped into my car and shut the door. And without a word, he pulled me into him and hugged me, and I couldn't help but break down once again. I sobbed into his chest, wracked with pain and Kyle gently rubbed my back. He held me tightly as if to hold me together.

     For a few minutes, we just sat like that as I sobbed my heart out. Kyle didn't say a word. He just held me and I grew more thankful by the second, knowing I needed someone. After I lost everyone who meant something to me, I really needed someone.

     Once I calmed down, I pulled away from Kyle and wiped my tears away with the palms of my hand. I composed myself and stared at Kyle, who was already staring at me. He looked pained and my heart ached at the sight.

     "I'm sorry I ruined your shirt," I said, glancing at the white shirt he wore. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess."

     "It's fine," Kyle said. "Don't apologize."

     "What are you doing here by the way?"

     "Being here for you."

     I froze for a moment, caught off guard by his sweet words. And as I stared at Kyle, I saw the sincerity in his eyes.

     "Thank you," I said, "Seriously, thank you for being here. I really needed someone."

     "I don't know if it's my place to ask, but what's wrong?" Kyle asked.

     I took a deep breath in, unsure of if I should tell Kyle the truth. But knowing I had nothing to lose, I let everything out.

     "My best friend confessed his love to me and I didn't reciprocate his feelings," I said. "I just never thought about him in that way and I don't think I ever will. And... And I don't think we'll ever be the same again. He's ignoring me now and it hurts so much because he was all I had here."

     I bit my lip to fight back the tears that threatened to leak out of me again. Kyle had seen enough of me sobbing.

     "And my parents keep calling me," I said. "They just keep calling me everyday and I don't want to answer their calls. I know them. They're just going to make me come back and I don't want that!" I threw my hands up into the air, frustrated. "Everything is just so overwhelming lately. I just wanted a peaceful life at Linhege, but it seems like my life here isn't go great either."

     "Your friend still cares about you. Trust me, he does," Kyle said. "And if he really loved you, he wouldn't be ignoring you. He'd be trying to keep a friendship with you."

     "You should've seen his face when I rejected him. He was so hurt."

     "And that's understandable. Anyone would be hurt if the girl they loved didn't reciprocate their feelings. But, he'll heal and he'll realize that letting you go isn't worth it."

     I bit my lip, unsure of what to say. It had only been one day, so I knew it was reasonable for Will to still be upset. But yet, I feared for what the future would bring.

     "Maybe. Maybe he just needs time," I said. "But, I'm still so scared. I don't know what will happen and that terrifies me."

     Unable to help it, I broke down into tears once again. I cried my heart out and once again, Kyle pulled me into a hug. He held me tightly and rubbed my back, and my heart ached at how gentle Kyle was. It wasn't something I expected out of him, but it was something I welcomed.

     "I'm sorry I can't stop crying," I said, burying my face into his chest. "I'm usually not like this."

     "I know it sucks right now, but things get better," Kyle said. "It hurts now, but life goes on and the things that once hurt will heal. I can promise you that."

     I just continued to cry. I couldn't help it, even though I understood where Kyle was coming from.

     "Think about all the times in your life when you were absolutely broken and thought things would never get better, but they did," Kyle said. "This is another one of those times, which means that once again everything will be okay."

     "You're right," I said, sighing as I realized Kyle was. There had been so many times where I'd been so scared of the future as I hurt in the present, but things had turned out okay. And it seemed like this would be another one of those times.

     I tried to pull away from Kyle now that I felt a bit better, but to my surprise Kyle held onto me more tightly. I froze against his chest, wondering why Kyle wouldn't let me go.

     "I hope you feel better soon" Kyle said, leaning to whisper into my ear. "Someone like you deserves nothing but happiness. I hate seeing you like this."

     My heart grew warm and fuzzy at his kind words. I pulled away and this time, Kyle let me. But instead of letting him let go of me, I leaned forward and planted a kiss on Kyle's cheek. He froze at that and I smiled.

     "Thank you," I said. "Thank you for being here for me and for all the kind words. You have no idea how much that means to me."

     Kyle seemed shaken by what I did and my smile grew as I saw blush rushing into his cheeks. He seemed embarrassed and I stared at him, feeling warm inside. I couldn't believe I'd been sobbing a moment ago because now all I could feel was joy.

     "You know, you said you have no one," Kyle said, his eyes locked on mine. "But you have me. I care about you and I will always be there for you. Never be afraid of having no one at your side."

     I teared up, but not because I was sad. For once, I was tearing up because I was so happy. I was so touched by what Kyle said and noticing that his face had grown more red, I laughed.

     "Thank you," I said, leaning forward to hug him again. "Seriously, thank you for everything."

     Kyle and I held each other for what felt like hours. We spent the rest of the day in each others' arms just talking and laughing, and forgetting about the world. And I knew Kyle was right. With him in my life, I wasn't alone and there was nothing to be scared of. Everything was going to be okay.

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