Chapter 17

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     I was walking through the headquarters of the SSI with my heart pounding and my palms growing sweaty. Will called me in for a private meeting between the two of us, and I didn't know what it was for. We never had private meetings since I started the mission with Kyle, which left me dreading what would go down.

     Soon, I neared the meeting room Will was in and I entered it and shut the door behind me. Will was already sitting at one end of the small table meant for four people, and I sat across from him and stared at him, trying to hide my emotions.

     "Hey," I said, once I settled down.

     "Hey," Will said. "Do you know what this meeting is about?"

     "I have no idea."

     Will gave me a look to say really and I shrugged. Although it was probably about Kyle, there was no way I would know for sure.

     "Well, it's about your mission with Kyle," Will said. "Tell me about your progress with him. And be honest with me. You don't need to lie because none of the heads are here."

     "It's going fine," I said, betraying no emotion. "Kyle and I are good friends. We hang out a lot and we're growing closer by the second. Soon, I think he'll be falling for me."

     Will stared at me, looking conflicted and I stared back. I kept my tone flat and my expression neutral, so I doubted Will would catch my lie. But yet, Will was staring at me as if he looked unconvinced.

     "Do you still want to be a part of this mission?" Will asked. "Do you still want to complete it?"

     Caught off guard by his question, I stared at Will for a second, surprised. I hadn't expected him to ask such a question, so I spoke without thinking.

     "Yes, of course I still want to be a part of this mission," I said.

     I bit my lip after the words flew out of me, wondering why I said I still wanted to be a part of the mission. Knowing I couldn't complete it and that I would never betray Kyle, I wondered if I should resign. But then, I thought about how the mission would be passed down to someone else and I would be thought of as the girl who couldn't complete her mission. So even though I knew I would never catch Kyle, I also knew that for now resigning wasn't the smartest move to do.

     "Be honest, okay Clarissa. Please," Will said, surprising me. He seemed to be pleading with me and I stared at him, stunned. "Have you fallen for Kyle? Are you in love with him?"

     "No," I said. "I'm not in love with Kyle.

     "Have you lost sight of your mission? Just be honest Clarissa, I won't hurt you. I never would."

     "Why are you interrogating me?"

     Will flinched from my harsh tone, but for once I didn't care. Glaring at him, I wondered why he kept hounding me with questions about Kyle. It was driving me insane and I wanted him to stop.

     "It's because I have to," Will said. "It needs to be done after..."

     Will drifted off and he looked away, which left me frowning. Staring at him, I wondered what he was going to say. But before I could ask him, he spoke.

     "One last time," Will said. "Are you in love with Kyle?"

     "No!" I exclaimed, frustrated. "I'm not in love with Kyle. I'm a spy who'll always put my mission first, so you don't need to hound me with questions. Don't worry. Everything is okay."

     Will looked pained as he stared at me. He once again looked conflicted and I stared at him, entirely exhausted. All I wanted was to leave and forget I was a spy because at the moment, I wished I never joined the SSI.

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