Chapter 7

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     I was walking to Neels - the bookstore near my house - because Kyle asked me to meet him there. My palms were sweaty as I wondered how I would fake not knowing self defence. Knowing myself, my natural fighting instincts would kick in when Kyle would teach me and I didn't know how I'd explain to him how I already knew how to defend myself.

     Nearing Neels, I spotted Kyle standing next to the entrance. He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest and I stared at him as I neared him. His eyes were on the sky and I wondered what he was thinking about.

     Once I neared him, I said, "Hey."

     "Hey," Kyle said, looking to me. "Are you ready?"


      Kyle shook his head, but I could see him fighting back a smile. He pushed himself off the wall and began to walk off, and I jogged over to his side. For a moment, we walked in silence.

      "So, where are we going?" I asked, wondering why he hadn't told me.

      "You'll see," Kyle said, glancing at me. "Don't worry, this isn't an elaborate plan to kidnap you."

      "That's something a kidnapper would say to psyche me out."

      Kyle rolled his eyes and I smiled to myself. We continued to walk in silence and I didn't mind it. Sometimes it was nice to just enjoy yourself in nothing but silence.

      Eventually, we neared a dirt path leading to a forest and Kyle stepped onto it. I hesitated for a second and Kyle looked back at me, raising an eyebrow. I gave him a look.

      "I'm not the type of guy who would need to kidnap a girl," Kyle said, giving me a look.

     "You're way too cocky," I said, shaking my head. I walked to him, however. "Let's go."

      Kyle shook his head, but he finally gave me a genuine smile. I had to fight back my own smile as we walked deeper into the forest.

      We walked for a bit until suddenly, a deserted playground came into view. There was a single pair of swings, a slide and a seesaw, and I was surprised by the sight. In my four years at Linhege I had never heard of the playground.

      "This is where I go to workout," Kyle said, stopping in the grassy field next to the park. "It's deserted and away from everyone. It's what I need."

     "How'd you discover it?" I asked.

     "Just exploring."

     Kyle stood staring at me and I moved to the field he stood on. The park was to the right and I found myself yearning to run to the swings and swing to my heart's content, but I told myself to focus. I was on a mission and that meant no distractions.

     "So, what are you going to teach me?" I asked.

     "Just the basics," Kyle said. "Now, come at me."


     "You heard me - come at me. Try to attack me. I'll show you what happens if you try."

     Blinking, I held my hands up and sighed quietly. I had no idea how I'd fake not knowing how to fight, but I knew I had to try. So running up to Kyle, I threw a fist at him and gasped when in the blink of an eye, he caught my fist using his palm. He then twisted my arm and I found myself falling to one knee.

      I stared up at Kyle as if I could never have imagined him doing that. My eyes were wide, my jaw dropped, and Kyle smiled smugly. He seemed impressed with himself and I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes and tell him I could kick his ass if I wanted to.

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