Chapter 16

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     I was outside on my balcony, admiring my city that went on for miles in front of me. It was late in the night and the moon was out, and I closed my eyes and welcomed the cold air. Taking a deep breath in, I thought about my life and what would come.

     Feeling arms wrap around my waist, I smiled as Kyle nuzzled his faced into the crook of my neck. My back was pressed against his and I sighed lightly as the warmth of his body left me relaxing into him. I may have welcomed the cold, but I welcomed Kyle's warmth even more. So much more, that I found myself melting into him.

     "What are you thinking about?" Kyle asked, pulling away from me, but still holding onto my waist.

     "Nothing important," I said.

     I turned around to look at Kyle and smiled when our eyes met. Despite the darkness of the night, Kyle's eyes were still so bright and vivid. And on me, they held the thousands of emotions that left me mesmerized.

     "What made you fall for me?" Kyle asked, surprising me.

     "Your heart," I said.

     Kyle seemed surprised by my swift and sincere response. I smiled once again, unable to help it and I cupped his face with my hands. As the days flew by, I found myself growing closer and closer to Kyle, wanting to touch him at every moment.

     "Really? I'm surprised," Kyle said. "I'm a bit of a douchebag."

     "No, you try to be a douchebag and you're bad at it," I said, rolling my eyes. "You're actually really kind."

     To my surprise, Kyle began to blush and I laughed softly at his reaction. It was strange seeing Kyle like this. Once he seemed like a giant jerk, but as we'd grown closer I realized what a softie he was.

     "Why did you fall for me?" I asked.

     "Because you're different," Kyle said. "I've never met someone quite like you."

    I blinked. "I'm not sure if that's an insult."

    "No." Kyle laughed. He threw his head back for a moment, letting the laugh blossom out of him. "I mean in a good way. I don't know how to explain it, but when I saw you with Jace that first time you met him I just felt something I hadn't felt before. It was... different."

     My eyes softened and gently, I placed a hand on top of Kyle's heart. His heart was racing, pounding against his chest and I found myself growing nervous as well. I wasn't sure why, but I couldn't stop staring at Kyle.

     "What exactly is it you feel?" I whispered.

    Kyle didn't reply. Instead, he just stared at me, his eyes locked on mine. I felt his heartbeat quicken beneath my hand and I put my other arm around his neck. Being so close to Kyle made me unable to think straight. All I knew was that I wanted him. In every way, in every life.

     "You seem more calm now," I said quietly, thinking about how afraid Kyle had been when we'd been at the restaurant. Kyle was no longer avoiding eye contact. He no longer seemed timid and scared, and I was thankful because the last thing I wanted was for Kyle to be agitated over my feelings. "You aren't tense like you were before. You're finally relaxing around me."

     "It's because I'm realizing there's nothing to be scared of," Kyle said. "With you, there's nothing to fear."

     I stared at Kyle for a second, feeling my heart warm up and before I knew it, I was pulling Kyle in for a kiss. I kissed him so gently, so passionately and Kyle reciprocated immediately. And after a moment, he began to pick up the pace and he pushed me against the balcony fencing, moving so close that were were basically pinned against each other. I pushed my fingers into his hair and tugged gently, and Kyle's grip on my hips tightened as we continued to make out, never stopping, even for air.

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