Chapter 8

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     Will and I were at an ice cream shop, sitting at some tables eating ice cream. We were face-to-face and I was staring at my cup, smiling as I thought about Kyle. Whenever I thought about him, my heart would feel warm. For some reason it felt so good to know that Kyle was warming up to me, which was why I couldn't stop smiling.

     "You seem happy," Will said, bringing my attention to him. "What's the celebration?"

     "It's nothing," I said, shrugging. I knew I couldn't tell Will the truth, so I came up with a slight lie. "I guess I'm just happy that my mission with Kyle is progressing. He stopped pushing me away."

     "I'm... happy for you."

     I stared at Will, surprised by the uneasiness in his tone. I thought he'd be ecstatic by my progress, but instead he seemed bothered by it.

     But instead of prying, I went back to eating my ice cream and so did Will. For a few minutes, we sat in silence and I thought about Kyle once again. He asked me to go to a dog park with him in the evening and I was thrilled to. Not just for Kyle, but for Jace as well.

     "Why don't you date?" Will asked.

      I whipped my head up, caught off guard. "Date who?"

     "No, I mean date in general. I noticed ever since you came to Linhege, you haven't dated. Why not?"

     I found myself relaxing once Will clarified his question, but I wondered what freaked me out in the first place. Flushing, I tried to push what happened away.

     "I don't know," I said. "I guess I just haven't found someone I'd like to date yet. I'm happy single. I'm in no rush to find love."

     "Maybe you're just not looking at what's right in front of you," Will whispered so quietly that I barely caught him.

     "What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

     "Nothing." Will forced a smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

     He looked down at the cup he held and I stared at him for a second, wondering what was going on. But brushing it off, I told myself I was overthinking.

     "Why are you still single?" I asked. "Since you're so dashing and everything, what's your reason?"

     "Maybe I'm too dashing," Will said. I rolled my eyes, but then he grew somber. "Or maybe, I'm just a wimp who won't confess my feelings to the girl I like."

     "Wait, you like someone?" My eyes widened. "Who?"

     "That's for me to know and for you to wonder."

     Huffing, I grew annoyed as Will laughed. We were best friends and I couldn't believe he never told me he liked someone. I thought we'd tell each other everything, but it seemed like I only felt that way.

     "Come on, Will, we're best friends," I said, pouting. "Why haven't you told me?"

     "It's something I'd prefer to keep to myself," Will said. "Well, at least for now."

      "Will I ever get to know?"

     "Yes." Will gave me a look that left me freezing at how serious it was. "One day, I hope you do."

     Confused, I grew relieved when Will changed the subject to something lighter. We then went back to our old selves, laughing and joking about everything and anything, and I hardly remembered Will's look.


      I laughed as Jace sprinted to me, his tongue hanging out of his mouth and his tail wagging. I crouched to the floor and held my arms out wide and let Jace tackle me, leaving me laughing once again. He began to lick my face and I ran my fingers through his golden fur, feeling so happy I'd burst.

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