Chapter 15

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     I stepped into the meeting room alone and took a deep breath in as I made my away to the chair across from the heads. But for once, Will wasn't at my side in the meeting room. He was sitting with the heads of SSI, staring at me with a look that made me feel hollow as I remembered our last conversation.

     "Hello Clarissa," Steven said, once I was seated and staring at him. "Sorry for this last minute meeting, but we were curious to know about your progress with Kyle. Will has shown us the video of you two... cuddling at the park, so we've been intrigued to know what's going on."

     "Nothing much has changed," I said. I made sure not to change my expression. My face was a blank slate, hiding everything I so desperately wanted to keep hidden. "The video Will showed you was just Kyle comforting me because I was crying over something. It wasn't romantic and we're just friends. But, I'm working on getting closer to him. It'll take a while, but one day Kyle will fall for me."

     Steven stared at me, his eyes full of questions and I stared back unfazed. A few of the notetakers muttered to each other and I glanced at Will who shot me a look that said liar. I shot him a look back, telling him to back off. He knew nothing and even if I was lying, Will wouldn't know that.

     "I see," Steven said. "So, you haven't made any more progress then?"

     "No, not really," I said. "Unfortunately, we're just platonic friends who hang out occasionally."

     "Well, you better pick up your pace," Will said. "It's been a few months now. Kyle is making our city worse with his dealings."

     "I'll take as long as I want," I shot back. "Not all of us can fall for someone they just met."

     Will seemed struck by what I said and I nearly felt bad for calling him out. The room grew silent and there was a tension in the air that had me shifting in my seat uncomfortably. Steven was glancing between us, looking confused.

     "Well, I guess there's not much else we can talk about," Steven said. "I'm not trying to rush you either, but try to pick up the pace with Kyle. I know you can't force him to love you, but try to spend more time with him or something. We want to close this mission soon."

     "Okay," I said. "I'll try."

     Steven nodded and after a few last words, everyone was dismissed to leave. I got up swiftly from my seat and left before everyone else, wanting to be rid of what I realized was now the biggest problem in my life.

     As I tried to rush home however, I heard Will call my name. I so badly wanted to act as if I hadn't heard him call me, but I didn't have the heart to so I slowed down and turned to face him, wondering what he wanted.

     "Can I talk to you?" Will asked once he neared me. "Let's go into this room."

     I sighed, but I followed Will into the small, empty room in the hallway. Once I was inside, Will closed the door behind him and leaned against it, his eyes on me. I stared at him tiredly, wanting nothing but to be away from him. Something had changed in our relationship and instead of loving every second of Will's company, I was learning to dread it.

     "Are you hiding anything?" Will asked.

     "No," I said.

     Will stared at me, clearly suspicious and I kept my expression blank. After what happened with Kyle at his home, I knew I'd protect him until my last breath. I didn't care at what cost, I didn't care if it was against the law. All I knew was that I'd protect Kyle against the people who had once been my companions.

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