Chapter 18

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     I walked to the meeting room Will was in. It had only been a day since our last meeting, but Will called me to meet him again, which left me trudging my way there. And with every step I took, I grew more and more annoyed by the fact Will kept booking meetings. I knew he would be interrogating me again, which left me dreading the meeting.

     Soon, I reached the room and I stepped in, and shut the door behind me. Going to the chair across from Will, I sat down and stared at him, and grew nervous when I saw the determined look on Will's face.

     "Again?" I said. "Really? Another meeting."

     Will stared at me for a moment before pulling a folder out of his satchel. He placed the folder on the table between us and then looked at me one last time.

     "You know everything I do is for your own good," Will said. "I only want what's best for you."

     Before I could reply to that, Will opened the folder and pulled out a few photos. And when he pushed them to me, I felt my heart drop.

     The photos were of me and Kyle on my balcony, making out and laughing as we spoke to each other. The last photo was with Kyle's shirt unbuttoned and I was staring at him with a look of complete love and adoration, which left my mouth growing dry. Stunned, I felt fear and panic hit me, but I tried to compose myself.

     "I was going to tell you about this. I finally made it to the next step in my relationship with Kyle," I said, looking to Will who stared at me with an angry look. "This is all part of my mission."

     "Liar," Will said.

     I stared at Will in shock because we both knew I couldn't get myself out of this. Something about the photos made us both know this wasn't acting, but I still had to try.

     "What makes you think I'm a liar?" I asked. "I'm supposed to make Kyle fall for me. This is supposed to be the outcome."

     "But you weren't supposed to fall in love in the process," Will said. "Just look at the photos Clarissa. It's so obvious you're in love with him. Don't try to lie your way out of this."

     My heart began to pound. I found myself shaking as I realized how screwed I was. With Will staring at me as if I committed murder, I didn't know what to expect.

     "What do you want from me?" I whispered. "A confession? An apology?"

     "You lied to me. You lied to all of SSI about what's happening in your mission," Will hissed. "You're a spy and you're supposed to put your mission first before anything, even your own happiness. But you ruined one of the most important missions we have for your own selfish needs."

    "I didn't ruin it. Kyle doesn't know I'm a spy. He doesn't know about the mission at all."

    Will didn't say anything for a moment. He stared at me and to my surprise, with a wistful look that soon grew solemn and I felt my heart drop. I wasn't ready for what would come next.

     "He does know about the mission," Will said. "I sent a letter to him along with these photos telling him you're a spy with the mission to catch him and put him behind bars."

     "What?" I said. My heart dropped and I found it hard to swallow. In shock, I couldn't say anything else.

     "It's for your own good, Clarissa. You can't be in love with a drug dealer."

     I stood up quickly, knocking over my seat. Panic and fear and a dozen other emotions hit me and I glared at Will, unable to believe him. I couldn't believe he'd do that to not only me, but to the SSI.

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