Chapter 9

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     I stared at my ringing phone and saw that the phone number belonged to my parents' home. This was the third time they called in the last hour and I was growing exhausted by their pestering. It had been four years, but my parents had phases where they would hound me to call them, to have just one talk with them, but I would never do it. Because knowing them, I knew they'd somehow manipulate me to come back home, which was the last thing I wanted.

     Sighing when my phone finally stopped ringing, I dropped my phone on my bed and laid down on my covers. Putting my fingers through my hair and yanking gently, I huffed and wondered when would it end. When would I finally be rid of my past?

    Groaning, I knew I needed a distraction so I picked up my phone and scrolled to Will's number. But before I hit call, I hesitated, thinking about how Will wanted me to talk to my parents. He didn't agree with my choices, which was why I switched away from Will's contact. And almost without thinking, I ended up on Kyle's name and before I knew it I was calling him.

     "Hello?" Kyle said.

    "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come over?" I asked. I blushed, realizing what that sounded like. "I mean to cook! We can make dinner and just hang out at my apartment. Um... Yeah, would you be up for it?"

    "Of course I would be."

    My heart skipped a beat at Kyle's swift and simple reply. Unable to help it, I was smiling ear to ear.

    "Awesome. Meet me at 5," I said.



    "Wow, you weren't lying when you said you could cook," I said.

    I peered over Kyle's shoulder into the pot he was stirring. The pot was full of pasta drenched in tomato sauce and I took a sniff and smiled. I originally thought I'd be the one cooking, but Kyle had offered and after debating for ten minutes, I gave in and let Kyle cook. And seeing his masterpiece, I grew thankful I did.

    "It's the Italian in me," Kyle said, looking over at me and smiling. "Well, I'll give the credit to my my mom. She taught me."

    "Do you cook often?"

    "Almost everyday."

    Kyle turned off the heat on the stove and turned to face me. And for a second, he didn't say anything. He just stared at me, his eyes full of emotions and I stared back, shocked. It had been so sudden and with Kyle only a few inches away, I was left struck.

    "The food's ready," Kyle said, breaking the moment as he slid past me. He brushed his shoulder against mine and I gulped as he went over to grab two plates. "I'll set up the table."

    "Oh no, no!" I exclaimed. "Let me do it."

    I took the plates from Kyle and set them onto the dining table and then grabbed two forks as well. Kyle then brought the pot of pasta over to the table and set it in the centre and he sat down at one end of the table and I sat across from him. We were both faced-to-face and I watched as Kyle grabbed my plate and scooped pasta onto it.

    "You said you cook everyday," I said, taking the plate Kyle passed to me. "Are you training to be a chef or something?"

    "No, unfortunately that wasn't my dream job," Kyle said, scooping pasta onto his own plate. "I just cook for my family."

    "What was your dream job?"

     Kyle put the spoon back into the pot of pasta and set his plate in front of him. He looked at me then, his eyes gleaming and I stared at him. Even after all the time we'd spent together, I couldn't help but grow mesmerized by Kyle over and over again.

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