Chapter 6

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Lisa's POV.

"Hi. I didn't know you're in there too." I smile as I saw her again.

I noticed that she was fidgeting her finger as if she was nervous.

"Mind if I seat here beside you?"

"Y-yes ofcourse." She blink her eyes. "I , I mean you can sit beside me." I smile when she stuttered and I hop on in the car.

Irene hopped on the car too following by Seulgi. They're still conversing and being touchy to each other, Seulgi was making Irene laugh and the latter was slapping her arms or chest. I rolled my eyes in the view. I glance up to Jennie to see that she was still fidgeting her fingers while looking on the road.

While she wasn't looking at my direction I had the time to look at her features and notice that she hasn't have make up on, but it makes her even more beautiful. Her milk skin looks so soft, her small nose button hole suits her baby-shaped face, Her cheeks were looks puffy and pinkish, just like her plump red lips. I was startled when Seulgi cleared her throat.

"You might melt her Pokpak." She smirk at me, and it caught the attention of Jennie who looked at my direction same as Irene. I glared at Seulgi

"I was just admiring the beautiful scenery beside me." Clearly i don't want myself to get embarrassed in front of other people so I tried being honest. Jennie immediately turn her attention to the road while I was looking intently at her and saw how her face blushed.

"I didn't know CEO Manoban is such a vocal person." Irene said smiling.

"Believe me she's more that what people expected." Seulgi whispered at her but enough for me to hear.

"So tell me, what's the plan Kang Seulgi?" I sighed, changing the topic

"Plan for what?" Irene asked.

"Oh just incase you guys didn't know that oh so good friend of mine knock me off the night before we got here. I wasn't really suppose to go here but Seulgi called my dad and insisted for me to take a vacation and shut all of my commitments for the coming month." I gritted my teeth while glaring at Seulgi.

"Oh my God." Irene said in shock.

"It wasn't my plan okay? Man I thought were done about this? Besides you need this the most Lisa." She wave her hand in the air as if she was surrendering.

"So what now?" I raised my brow.

"I'll take you to my house first, Since Seulgi will be staying with me. I'll cook for lunch and maybe we can talk about it." Irene suggested and I nodded.

The ride was quiet, I didn't bother to ask them if how long will it takes for us to get there because Seulgi and Irene had their earphones on while their eyes close, probably napping.

"Jennie." I called her name and she hummed in response.

"Jennie Kim." This time she looked at me with her feline cat-eyes and a smile automatically crept on my face.

"I'm starting to think that you weren't the one that I'm talking with on the phone." I put my hand below my chin acting as if I was thinking, and that made her smile.

"Silly, of course it was me."

"Liar, it's not you. The Jennie that I've been talking to the phone was blatant in confessing her feelings." I tease.

"C-confess what? I didn't confess my feelings for you." She blushed.

"Uhuh, i didn't say feelings for me. But just so you know you just did confess right here, right now." Her eyes widened and I chuckled

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